Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council


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Continue to address and target safety issues in disadvantaged areas (for more details, see the<strong>Transport</strong> Safety Policy)Provide appropriate cycling infrastructure to suit cyclists with different needs (see the CyclingPolicy)Provide clear and concise direction and distance signing (see the Cycling Policy)Investigate parking, consolidation and storage opportunities for heavy goods vehicles, to combatdriver fatigue and inefficient operational practices (see the Multimodal Freight Policy)<strong>Worcestershire</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will seek to manage available resources effectively to maintain andenhance the <strong>Worcestershire</strong> Public Rights of Way Network (Rights of Way Improvement <strong>Plan</strong>)Consider permitting motorcyclists to use bus lanes subject to any safety concerns being suitablymitigated (see the Motorcycle Policy)Prioritise the implementation of speed limits outside schools where there are identified andquantified safety issues that need to be addressed (see the <strong>Transport</strong> Safety Policy)Tackle well-used routes using a corridor-length approach to reduce the incidence of accidents (seethe Motorcycle Policy)Work with operators to improve infrastructure and services which make passenger transport moreattractive to users (see the Integrated Passenger <strong>Transport</strong> Policy)

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