Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council


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LTP /Developers /Malvern HillsDistrict <strong>Council</strong>This proposed scheme would involve a packageof public realm enhancements for Malvern LinkShopping Area, including decluttering ofstreetscene, maintenance and replacement ofstreet furniture and surfacing (where a need isidentified) and upgrade of traffic signals at thejunction of Worcester Road and PickersleighAvenue/Richmond Road.LOWLOWLow RiskSchemeSHORTThe RailIndustry /Major Scheme(DfT) /DevelopersThis proposed scheme would improve thepassenger facilities and information at MalvernLink Station and would include improvedinterchange between modes. It would includerefurbishment of existing station buildings andfacilities and further real time information displayboards. The improvements would complementthose proposed for Worcester Foregate StreetStation and would improve the quality of rail forjourneys along the A449 corridor (withconsequent benefits in terms of trafficcongestion and carbon emissions).LOWLOWRiskassociatedwith fundingbidSHORTLTP /DevelopersThis proposed study would involve acomprehensive multimodal review of capacity,pricing, network efficiency and infrastructure(including parking, signage and transport networkreliability). This study would identify where tofocus investment to improve the operation ofthe local transport network. This study wouldneed to be refreshed periodically, to take intoLOWLOWLow RiskSchemeSHORT

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