Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council

Local Transport Plan 3 - Worcestershire County Council


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DevelopersProvision of a Walk/Cycle Bridge over the A46at Evesham to the Vale Industrial Estate. TheA46 is operated by the Highways Agency,therefore <strong>Worcestershire</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>considers that this scheme would require arobust business case and funding from thecurrent (and potentially future) occupiers of theVale Industrial Estate to enable this scheme tobe progressed.HIGHLOWLow RiskScheme -The A46 ismanaged bytheHighwaysAgency, sothis schemewould needto bedevelopedinpartnershipwith them,as theinfrastructure operators.LONGSustrans /DevelopersThis proposed scheme would involve thedevelopment of a Walk/Cycle Bridge from thenew Offenham Road Estate to the northern endof the High Street/Railway Station in Evesham,providing a link to a number of key facilities andservices in Evesham Town Centre.HIGHHIGHRiskassociatedwithstakeholdersupport,costs andfunding.LONG

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