Diane Larsen-Freeman



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144 Content-based. Task-based, and Participatory App roaches<br />

journal. Th e teacher reads the student's journal ent ry and writes a<br />

respon se to it, but does not correct its form.<br />


As with con renr-based instruction, a task- based approach aims ro pro·<br />

vide learn ers with a nat ural context for language usc. As learners wor k to<br />

complete a task, they have abundant opportunity to interact. Such interaction<br />

is thought to facilitate language acquisition as learn ers have to<br />

wor k to understand each ot her and to express their own meanin g. By so<br />

doin g, they have to check to see if they have comprehended correctly and,<br />

at times, they have to seek clar ification. By interacting with others, they<br />

get to listen to language which may be beyond their present ability, hut<br />

which may be assimilated into their knowledge of the target language for<br />

use at a later time. As Candlin and Murphy (1987: 1) not e, 'The cent ral<br />

purpose we arc concerned with is language learning, and tasks present<br />

this in the for m ofa probl em-solving negotiation between kno wledge that<br />

the learner holds and new knowl edge.'<br />

Experie nce<br />

The follow ing lesson is one that has been adapted and expanded from<br />

Prabhu (1987). It takes place in Southern India. The class consists of 40<br />

ten-year-old children who arc adva nced beginners in English. As we enter<br />

the classroom, the reacher is speaking:<br />

'We arc going to do a lesson today on timetables. OK ?'<br />

The reacher draws rhe columns and rows of a class timeta ble on rhc<br />

blackboard. At the head of the first column, she wr ites 9:30-10:15. The<br />

students understand that the teacher has written the dur ation of the first<br />

class period of the da y.<br />

'What should I write here?' asks the teacher, pointing to the head of the<br />

second column. T Il(' students respond, 'Tell fifteen.' And then 'Eleven<br />

o'clock,' as the reacher moves her finger across the top row. The reacher<br />

points in turn to the top of each column and the students chor us the rime<br />

rhnr each class period hegins and ends.<br />

Then till' teacher asks: 'Who witlwrite the names for the days of the week<br />

here?' SeveraIstudents raise their hand s. The reacher calis on one. 'Come,'<br />

she says.The student she hascalled on CO l11l'S to the from of the room, takes<br />

the chalk, and writes the name s of each weekday beside each cow, :-"-1011­<br />

day to Friday, cor rectly, as the rest of the class helps wirh rhe spelling.<br />

Content-based, Task-based, and Particitratcry Approaches 145<br />

'Is that correct ?' rhe teacher asks. 'Correct!' the students chorus back.<br />

'What about Saturday? Do we have school O il Saturday?' The students<br />

reply in unison , ' No ... holiday.' The teacher responds, ' Holida y. Yes. Saturday's<br />

a holida y.'<br />

Nex t the teacher divides the class into eight gro ups of five stude nts.<br />

Each student in a group receives a Ga d with the sched ule for one day of<br />

the week. The students' task is to complete the week's schedule by shar ing<br />

the information on their cards with each other. There is much discussion<br />

as each group work s to draw up a fult schedule. As she moves about the<br />

room listening to the groups, the teacher reminds the class to speak in<br />

English. The first group tha t is finished comes to the blackboard and<br />

writes the schedule on the boa rd.<br />

After the stude nts have checked their work, the teacher collects each<br />

group's timeta ble so she can read ir and rerum it to them rhc next da y. She<br />

checks their timetables mainly to sec that the content is cor rect.<br />

Next, stilt worki ng in their groups, the students arc told that they are to<br />

find a way to survey their classmates' preferences of their favor ite Sd1001<br />

subjects. They musr find

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