Diane Larsen-Freeman



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t 70<br />

Strategies, Cooperative Learning, and Multi/li e Intelligences<br />

Strategies, Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences 171<br />

4 Mu sical/rhyth mic-c-an a bility ro recognize to na l patterns an d a sensitivity<br />

to rhythm, pitch, melod y<br />

5 Interpersonal- the a bility til und erstand another person 's moods, fed ­<br />

ings. motivat ions, a nd int entions<br />

6 ln rrapcrson al-c-th c a bility to understand o neself and to pract ice selfdiscipline<br />

7 Verbaillinguistic-the ability to use language effec tively and creatively.<br />

W hile eve ryone might possess these seven intelligences, they a rc not<br />

equally developed in anyone individu al. Some teachers feel that they<br />

need to create acnviries that draw o n a ll seven , not only 1O facilita te lan ­<br />

gu age acqu isition among diverse students , but a lso to help them rea lize<br />

their full potential with a ll seven. One way of doing so is to thi nk a bout<br />

the activities that arc frequently used in the class room and to categorize<br />

them according to intelligence type. By being aware of which type of<br />

inte lligence is bei ng tapped by a particular activity, teachers can keep<br />

track of which type they arc emphasizing or neglecting in the classroom<br />

an d aim for a diffe rent representa tion if they so choose. Christison ( 1996)<br />

and Armstron g (1994) give us exa mples of activities that fit eac h type of<br />

intelli gence:<br />

Logica l/mathematical-puzzles and ga mes, logical , seq uentia l presentat<br />

ion s, classifications a nd categorizatio ns<br />

2 Visual/s panal-c-ch arrs a nd grids, videos, d rawing<br />

3 Bod y/k inesthetic- hands-on acti vities, field trips, pantom ime<br />

4 Musical/rhyrhmic-e-singing. pla ying mus ic, jazz chan ts<br />

5 lnterpersonal- pairwork, project work, group problem-solving<br />

6 Intrapl'rslm al-self-evaluation, journal keeping, options for homework<br />

7 Verbal/linguisric-c-note-rakin g, sto ry telling, debates.<br />

A second way to teach from a multiple intelligence per spective is to deliberately<br />

plan lessons so that th e different intelligence s ar c represented .<br />

H ere is one lesson plan, adapted from E. Agosrini," w hich addresses all of<br />

the intelligences:<br />

Srep I-Give students a riddle and ask them to solve it in pair s:<br />

I have eyes. hut I sec nothing. I ha ve cars, but I hea r nothing. I ha ve a<br />

mouth, but I canno t speak. If I am youn g, 1stay you ng; if I a m old, I<br />

stay old. What arn I?<br />

Answe r: A person in a pa int ing or photograph.<br />

(Intellige nces: interperson a l, ver bal/li nguistic]<br />

Step 2-Guided imagery: Tell st ude nts to close their eyes a nd to relax;<br />

then describe a pain ting to them. Ask them to imagine it. Play mus ic<br />

whi le you arc giving the students the descriptio n.<br />

(Intelligences: spat ial/visual intelligence, mu sical)<br />

Step 3-Distribute to each person in a sma ll group a written description<br />

of the sa me pai nting they have JUSt heard described . Each description<br />

is incomplete, however, and no two in the group are quire the<br />

same. For example, o ne description has certain words missing; the others<br />

have different words missi ng. T he students work together with the<br />

other members oftheir group to f ill in the missing words so that they all<br />

end up with a complete description of the pa inting.<br />

(Intelligences: interperson al, verbal/linguistic)<br />

Step 4- Ask the groups to create a tableau of the pai nting by acting out<br />

the description.<br />

(Intelligence: body/kincsrhcric]<br />

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