Diane Larsen-Freeman



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154 Content-based, Task-based, and Participatory Approac hes Content-based, Task-based, and Participatory Approaches 155<br />

Observations<br />

3 Th e reacher leads the class in<br />

discussing the prob lem, ending<br />

with students responding with<br />

solu tions to the problem.<br />

4 The teacher asks the students if<br />

they want to write a gro up<br />

letter. She uses a collabor at ive<br />

process to do so.<br />

5 Afterwards, the studen ts work<br />

togeth er to edit the lerrer for<br />

meaning and form. T hey<br />

continue editing the letter for<br />

homework.<br />

6 T he st udents arc to bring t heir<br />

revised versions of the lcrtcrs to<br />

class next time for ot hers to<br />

read.<br />

7 T he stu dents discuss what they<br />

have learn ed in the clas s.<br />

Principles<br />

Education is most effective wh en it<br />

is experie nce-centered, when it<br />

relates to studen ts' real need s.<br />

Students arc motivated by their<br />

person al involvement. Teachers<br />

are co-learne rs, asking que stions<br />

of the students, wh o arc the<br />

exper ts on their own lives.<br />

When knowledge is jointly<br />

constructed, it becomes a roo! to<br />

help students find voice and by<br />

find ing their voices, students can<br />

ace in the world. Srudenrs learn to<br />

sec t hemselves as social and<br />

po litica l beings.<br />

Focus on lingu istic form occurs<br />

wit hin a focus on content.<br />

La nguage skills a rc taught in<br />

service of action for change, rather<br />

tha n in isola tion.<br />

Students can cre ate their own<br />

ma te rials, wh ich, in turn , can<br />

become texts for ot her students.<br />

A go al of the participatory<br />

approach is for students to be<br />

evalua ting their own lea rnin g<br />

and to increasin gly direct it<br />

rbcmselvcs.<br />

Thus, as we have seen with the other a pproaches we have examined in<br />

this clmprer, the lang uage focus in the participato ry approach is not<br />

esta blished in adva nce. Rather, it follows fro m content, which itself<br />

emerges from on goin g, collaborative investigations of critical themes in<br />

students' lives. As Auer bach (1992: 14 ) put s it, ' Real communication,<br />

accompanied by appropriate feedbac k that subor dinates for m to the<br />

elaboration of meaning, is key for language learning.'<br />


l.caming to co mmunicate by communicating, rather than by prep ar ing<br />

to do so through practicing the vario us pieces of lang uage, is a different<br />

way to approach the goal of deve loping stu dents' communicative compctcn<br />

cc. Can you see yourself applying th is central notion in yo ur<br />

teaching? Is there content you r students ar e interested in studying that<br />

may prove to be a useful medium for their langua ge acquisition- per haps<br />

some special interest like music or sports, if not an academic sub ject? Are<br />

there tas ks that you could devise tha t would engage your students in<br />

using the language, rather th an having t he lan guage itself be what is in<br />

focu s at all times? Do you sec t he valu e of having issues, if not problems,<br />

that a rc relevant to your stude nts ' lives be the vehicle for their pe rso na l<br />

empowerment as well as their language learn ing? Which , if any, of<br />

the techn iques presented here can you ada pt to your own teac hing<br />

context ?<br />


A Check your understanding of content-based, task-based, and<br />

participatory approaches:<br />

1 In your ow n words descri be the difference between the approa ch<br />

to teaching communication taken in the previous chapter and this<br />

one.<br />

2 Why do yo u think that conte nt-based instruction has been ca lled 'a<br />

metho d with many faces'? (Snow 199 1).<br />

3 Willis ( 1996) proposes the following sequence for ta sk-based act ivities:<br />

Pre-task, Task, an d La nguage Focus. Skeha n (1998) C0111 111cnts<br />

tha t this sequence is the reverse of the seq uence found in more tra dition<br />

al inst ruction. Discuss.<br />

4 It might be said rha r the participatory approach has a political philosophy<br />

as well as an educational on e. What do you understand this statement<br />

to Ill C ~lI1 ?

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