Diane Larsen-Freeman



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80 Desuggestopedia<br />

Desuggestopedia 8 1<br />

Observations<br />

Principles<br />

Observations<br />

Principles<br />

14 for homework , the students<br />

are (0 read the dialog at night<br />

and in the morning.<br />

At these times, the distinction<br />

betwee n the conscio us and the<br />

subconscious is most blurred a nd,<br />

the refore, learning ca n occur.<br />

20 The student mak es a n error by<br />

saying, ' How you do?' The<br />

teacher co rrects the error in a<br />

soft vo ice.<br />

Errors are cor rected gently, nor in<br />

a direct, confrontational manner.<br />

15 Th e teacher gives the students<br />

hats [0 wea r for the different<br />

characters in the dialog. The<br />

students take turns readin g<br />

po rtio ns of the dialog.<br />

16 The teacher tells the students<br />

that they ar e a uditioning for a<br />

play.<br />

17 T he teacher leads the class in<br />

vario us activities invol ving the<br />

dialog, for ex ample, q uestio n­<br />

and-a nswer, repetition, a nd<br />

tr an slation.<br />

18 She teaches the students a<br />

children's so ng.<br />

19 The reacher and students pla y<br />

a question-and-a nswer game.<br />

Dramatizati on is a particularly<br />

val ua ble way of playfully<br />

acti vating the ma teria l. Fa ntas y<br />

red uces barriers to learning,<br />

Th e fine arts (music, ar t, and<br />

drama ) ena ble suggestio ns to<br />

reach the subc ons cio us. Th e arts<br />

shou ld, therefore, be integrat ed as<br />

much as possible into the teaching<br />

process,<br />

T he teacher sho uld help the<br />

stude nts 'acti vat e' the mater ia l to<br />

which they ha ve been ex posed.<br />

Th e means of doi ng this sho uld he<br />

varied so as to avoid rep etition as<br />

mu ch as pos sible. Novelty aid s<br />

acquisition,<br />

M usic and movement reinforce the<br />

linguistic ma terial. It is desirable<br />

that stu dents achieve a state of<br />

'mfanrilizarion' so tha t they will be<br />

more open to lea rning, If they trust<br />

the reacher, they wi ll reach this<br />

state more easily.<br />

In a n atm os ph ere of play, the<br />

co nscio us attention of the learner<br />

does not focus on linguistic fo rms,<br />

but rat her o n using the langua ge.<br />

Learning can he fun.<br />


Let us now follow our usua l procedure of reviewing the principles of a<br />

met hod by answering o ur ten q uest io ns.<br />

1 What are the goals of teachers who use Desuggestopedia?<br />

Teachers ho pe to accele ra te the process by which stu dents lear n to lise<br />

a fo reign langua ge for everyda y conuuunication. In order to do this,<br />

more of the st udents' mental power s mu st be ta pped. T his is accomplished<br />

by dcsuggcsring th e psychological bar riers learners bring with<br />

them to till' lea rning situation an d using techniques to activate the<br />

'pa racouscio us' part of the mind, just below the fully-consciou s mind.<br />

2 What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?<br />

Th e teacher is the a uthority in the classroom. In order fo r the met hod<br />

to be successful, the students must tr ust and respect her. The st udents<br />

will retain information better fro m so meo ne in whom the y have co nfidence<br />

since they wi ll be mo re respo nsive to her 'desuggesting' their limitatio<br />

ns a nd suggesting hocv, easy it will be for them to succeed.<br />

O nce the stu dents tru st the teacher, they ca n feci more secure. If they<br />

feel secure, they ca n be more spontaneo us and less inh ibited.<br />

3 What are some characteristics of the teaching/t eaming process?<br />

A Desuggesropcdic co urse is con ducted in a classroom which is brig ht<br />

an d cheerful. Posters displaying grannnarical information about the<br />

target lan guage a rc hung around the room in order to ta ke advantage<br />

of students' peripheral learn ing. T he posters arc changed every few<br />

weeks to create a sense of no velty in the enviro nment.<br />

Students select target language na mes and choose new occupati on s.<br />

During rhe co urse they create wh ole biographies to go along with their<br />

new idcnrincs.<br />

The texts students work from are han do uts containing lengthy<br />

dialogs (as man y as 800 words) in the ta rget language. Next 10 the

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