Diane Larsen-Freeman



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78 Desnggestopedia Desuggestopedia 79<br />

Observati ons Principles Observations Principles<br />

Th e classroom is bright a nd l.cnm ing is facilitated in a cheerful 9 The teacher br iefly mentions a The teacher should present a nd<br />

colorful. environment. few points a bout English ex plain the gramma r a nd<br />

grammar a nd vocabula ry. voca bulary, hut no t dwell on them.<br />

2 Among the posters han ging Students canlearn from wh at is Th ese ar c in bo ld print in the Th e bold print a llo ws the students'<br />

a round the room arc several present in th e environme nt, even if dia log . focus to shift from the who le text<br />

co nw ining gramma tica l their attention is not di rected to it to the de tails befo re they return ro<br />

information. I'Pcripherallearning' ). the whole text aga in. The dynamic<br />

interplay between the whole and<br />

3 The teacher speaks If students trust and respect the the pans is important.<br />

co nfide nt ly.<br />

teacher's a uthority, they w ill<br />

accept and retain informat ion 10 There a re reproductio ns of Fine ar t provides positive<br />

bette r, classical pa intings througho ut sugges tions for students.<br />

the text.<br />

4 T he teacher gives the students Th e teac her sho uld recognize<br />

the impression that lea rning that learners bring certai n 11 In the left co lum n is the dial og O ne way tha t mea ning is ma de<br />

the ta rget language w ill be easy psychologica l harriers wit h them in the ta rget language. In the d ear is thro ugh native langua ge<br />

and enjoya ble. to the learning situatio n. She right col umn is the native translation.<br />

should attempt to 'desuggcsr'<br />

la nguage translation.<br />

these.<br />

12 Th e teacher reads the dialog Communica tion takes place o n<br />

5 T he st ude nts choose new Assu ming a new identity enhances with a mu sica l 'two plan es'; on o ne the linguistic<br />

names and identities. stude nts' feeling o f secur ity a nd accompa niment. She marches message is encoded; an d on the<br />

a llows them to be more open. her voice to the rhyth m and other arc factors which infl uence<br />

Th ey feel lcss inh ibited since their intonation of the m usic. the linguistic message, On the<br />

perfo rmance is really th at of a<br />

co nscious plan e, the learner<br />

different person .<br />

attends to the lan guage; on the<br />

subconscious plane, the mu sic<br />

6 The students introduce The dialog that the students learn suggests that learning is easy and<br />

themselves to the teacher. co ntains language they can usc pleasant. When there is a unity<br />

immediat ely.<br />

between co nscious and<br />

subco nscious, learning is<br />

7 T hey play rhyt hmic Songs ar c usefu l for 'freeing the enhanced.<br />

instruments as they sing a speech mus cles' and evok ing<br />

so ng. pos itive emot ions. 13 T he teacher reads the script a A calm state, such as o ne<br />

seco nd time as the students ex periences when listening to a<br />

8 T he teacher disr ribu res a T he teacher shou ld integrate listen. T his is do ne to different concert, is idea l for overcoming<br />

lengthy handout to the class. indi rect positive suggestions music. psyc hological barriers and for<br />

The title of the dia log is 'To ('there is no limit to what you can raking advantage of learn ing<br />

want to is to be able to: do') into the lea rning situa tion. potential.

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