rf - Free and Open Source Software

rf - Free and Open Source Software

rf - Free and Open Source Software

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TEST E<br />



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\O ll' a ccnuplrl» ....f'ni,·( '<br />

la!r. illdud;ll;! U1" <strong>and</strong> / t F ,>; ;;!" ul f!l',u'rul<br />

orx. ;x built into a ('fl .>;" nlmu t thr<br />

.' ;0'- oI1I1I old I 011 :<br />


AC V o ltmeter DC Voltmeter<br />

O hmmete r<br />

Milliammeter<br />

A F Signal Generator A F Signal Generator<br />

R es ist ance Substit u t ion Capaci ta nce Substit u t ion<br />

9 V DC Supply RF F ie ld Strength<br />

Self Powered 7 ~"x 3J.4."x 3%", 13f" tbs.<br />

Thanks to transistors <strong>and</strong> printed circuits you can<br />

ho ld t his complete lab in o ne h<strong>and</strong> . Not lo ng ago<br />

this w o uld have been a w hole shelf f ull o f t est equip<br />

ment. 455 kHz gene rato r f or aligning IF's, 400<br />

Hz generator f or audio ci rcuits. Plus a normal YOM<br />

<strong>and</strong> R & C substitution. Field St rength meter for<br />

tuning transm itters. Everything in o ne small box!<br />

Model SE-400 Mini-Lao - ONLY $ 25.00<br />


Mini·AF Generator for the laboratory o r ham work<br />

bench . 10 to 100,000 H z in four b<strong>and</strong>s, si ne o r<br />

square wave. World's smallest. 7Y2"X 3%"x 4 " ,<br />

2 lbs! Built-in AC power supply stabilized t o 0. 1%.<br />

The output is maintained at minimum distortion<br />

<strong>and</strong> consta nt level with F ET oscil lator <strong>and</strong> t hermo<br />

ister <strong>and</strong> heavy inverse feedback .<br />

\lndel 6803 AF Generator - ONLY 559.9 5<br />

Wor t h its weight in batteries. I nvaluable for testing<br />

transistorized or l C gear. Saves its price in batteries<br />

for long range operation of radios, casset t e tape recorders.<br />

etc. 0-20 VDC @ 150-200 mAo M etered<br />

<strong>and</strong> regu lated.<br />

Model SE-100 Power Supply-ONLY 516.95<br />

ill: III1III1<br />

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_.:~<br />

;'I,lit m-CO.<br />

P.O. Box 431<br />


03452<br />

~1I1\')'\T UHE<br />

SIG i\' AL<br />

THACEH<br />

T his is by far t he<br />

si ngle m ost valuable<br />

p iece of t est eq u ipme<br />

nt for serv icing<br />

receivers <strong>and</strong> audio<br />

eq u ipment. Built in<br />

m eter f or m easuring<br />

gain of each st age<br />

und er t est. Easy to<br />

f ind weak o r defective<br />

stages. Output<br />

speak er built in o r<br />

to V TVM or scope.<br />

No line cord since i t<br />

is self powered.<br />

Model SE-350 Signal Tracer-ON LY $22.50<br />

Buy OGP Miniature Test Equipment from<br />

Your Local Distributor or Order Direct Mail<br />

from REO LINE CO. JAFFREY, NH 03452<br />

Please allow a little extra for postage charges.<br />

Distributors: Write for our distributor prices<br />

Manufacturers Reps: We need you - Write<br />


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