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73 Magazine 11'104 , May 1969 Conten ts<br />

4 Who's Who in Arneteur Radio••••••••............••..••••.•...•.......W8GI<br />

Celebrities in our ranks..<br />

8 Staeked Gamma Matched Turnnil•.....••••.•••..............WA9lPC<br />

About 10 db o n 2M, o m nidirectional.<br />

10 VHF Vacation Special.....•••••.•.•••...•...................••....••..W2ZRX<br />

2M slot antenna made out of aluminum fall.<br />

14 SUnit Attenuator••••.•. .•••..••.................••...•.•• .••••• .•••• WASSWD<br />

For calibrating S ·meterl <strong>and</strong> antenna geln.<br />

20 In The Beginning.........•••..........•...................•.......•••.... K1 YSD<br />

Not for serious amateurs or hea,t patlenn.<br />

24 Oon' t Kill Your Gener.tor<br />

Just wound it a little, mavbe .<br />

W1EZT<br />

26 Working OX Without Six EI.m.nts<br />

Persistance <strong>and</strong> sneakiness substituted fo r power.<br />

K5PAC<br />

28 The Short-Vee Antenna W3FOJ<br />

10.15.20M. 56' on a leg <strong>and</strong> it works.<br />

30 The l ittle Wonder........ ...... ...............•............. ... ...... ... W5ZBC<br />

BO·10M anten na...lo o ks a lo t like t h e Joystick .<br />

32 Easy Tuning o f the Ouad............... ....•........... .............W4AZK<br />

Multi-element quads can be awfully difficult.<br />

36 The Antennascope-An Effective Tool<br />

It ' . okay if you know how to use it.<br />

VE3CEA<br />

40 Two on Top.........••......•. .. ... .......•... ........................... ...W6AJZ<br />

80M vertical which tunes bOth ends of the b<strong>and</strong>.<br />

42 Measuring Antenna Ga in<br />

You don't just ask around for signal reports.<br />

W2EEY<br />

46 ORP-A New World To Conquer W6TYP<br />

Where 1.000 watts is a full gallon.<br />

48 Report o n The Galax y 550<br />

W6AJZ<br />

G reat new transceiver.. .read all about h.<br />

52 Feeding & Tuning Three B<strong>and</strong> Ouad<br />

aoomtess quad.,.novel approach... etc.<br />

WA4VWY<br />

56 To Patch o r Not To Patch.•.••.... .. .. .....................•.... ....W5LHG<br />

Here's the latest news on patching.<br />

60 Direct Reading SWR Indicator<br />

T ired o f switch'i ng back a nd fort h ? La.z ibones.<br />

K3WRW<br />

6Z Asymmetrically Feeding l ong Wires........................•.. W2E EY<br />

Strange Ihings happen when you move the feed around.<br />

68 13 Tests the James Resaarch Units Wl EMV<br />

And f inds t hem outsl<strong>and</strong>in g <strong>and</strong> mild.<br />

70 Compressed Vertical fo r 160<br />

If you have room for a 12 0 ' tower pass Ih is by.<br />

W6FPO<br />

7Z Class A Transistor Amplifier Design<br />

WASSWD<br />

Seven sleps 10 total <strong>and</strong> complete su ccess. Probably.<br />

74 $4.98 Novice Special WA7CSK<br />

Why spend more for. nice 15M anlenna? Why not?<br />

77 How To Fl y Your Kite<br />

E14R<br />

Simple 160M antenna for F ield Day o r 8llpeditions.<br />

78 In Search of • Better Angle<br />

A ngle of rad iat io n is o f critical importance. Aead .<br />

K9YOE<br />

84 FSK Exciter<br />

W4LlR<br />

AnOlher bone for the ATTY fiends.<br />

88 Telephone Beeper<br />

W6BLZ<br />

H<strong>and</strong> y gadgel for t he new p hone palch laws.<br />

9Z KW Dummy load Cheap WB2PTU<br />

Slart using this instead of your anlenna.<br />

94 Mini-Bomb<br />

A not her o f h is little 10 kw lin e ar amplifie r•. almost.<br />

WeSYK<br />

96 O X From Dl l<strong>and</strong> oL4BR<br />

Whal il's like over o n thai end.<br />

98 Phonetics for the Pileups KH6IJ<br />

How to ge l your call lelten t h rou gh t he mess .<br />

100 Extra Class License Course Staff<br />

Part 4 of the Extra C lass Study Course. Learn.<br />

IN. 118 Economy Chronometer EoO<br />

Some hams are pretty doggone cheap.<br />

120 4x150 Socket WA3AOS<br />

A not her Shortcut for the cheapskate ham.<br />

122 All B<strong>and</strong> Curtain Arrtty VK4SS<br />

16 0 -10 M <strong>and</strong> only 1 12 feet long.<br />

123 How To Tune A Circuit<br />

Figuring cenectrence. <strong>and</strong> paralle l capacitanc e.<br />

K5LLI<br />

130 Mobile Antenna for Vacation Usa WB2WYO<br />

Not much trouble <strong>and</strong> works snceevece.<br />

Features<br />

2 da W2NSD/1<br />

16 Armed Forces Day Skeds<br />

38 Malchlng Short Cut<br />

38 o x Qul.z<br />

45 Different TR Switch<br />

50 Novice 15M Antenna<br />

5 1 S u per SS<br />

59 Tech nology Aece<br />

6 6 Beams in Basement<br />

6 6 SWR Bridge Beer Connectors<br />

73 Evan Better Gamma<br />

76 FCC Action<br />

B7 The F irst QS L<br />

93 Coax Swilch<br />

11 6 New Book .<br />

121 AF S ea ling Tape<br />

12 7 SSB Esc alator<br />

12B New Products<br />

13 2 Letters<br />

140 Cav eat Em ptor<br />

144 Pro pagation Chans<br />

146 Advertisi ng Ind ex<br />

STAFF<br />

Editors<br />

Wayne Green W2NSD/l.<br />

Kayla Bloom WI EMV<br />

Advertising<br />

Bill Bea tty<br />

Production<br />

Roger Block<br />

NeUie Sildar<br />

Tim Ga<strong>rf</strong>ield<br />

Composition<br />

Louise Consta nt<br />

Art<br />

BiD Kellogg<br />

BiU Marella<br />

Circulatinn<br />

Mary Andreae<br />

Doro thy Gibson<br />

Ruth Ring<br />

Publications<br />

George Griffith<br />

John Van Hillo<br />

Mike Hill<br />

Money<br />

Doris Stuh lsatz<br />

Propagation<br />

J ohn Nelson<br />

wrw Editor<br />

Dave Mann K2AGZ<br />

73 Magazine is published by 73. Inc.•<br />

Peterborough, N.H. 03458 . Subscription<br />

rate : $12.00 for Three<br />

years, $6.00 for one year. Second<br />

Class Postage paid at Peterborough l<br />

New Hampshire. <strong>and</strong> at additional<br />

mailing offices. Printed at Pontiac.<br />

Illinois U. S. Entire contents copyright<br />

1969 by 73. Inc. Postmasters,<br />

please send form 3579 to 73 Magazine).<br />

Peterborough. New Hampshire<br />

034,8.<br />

MAY 1969 1

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