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0 2 1!i0<br />

'O!iV 8+<br />

F ig. 2 .<br />

GAG7 Amplifier.<br />

The function switch allows complete station<br />

control with o ne knob. In st<strong>and</strong>by<br />

position the cathode of the crystal oscillator<br />

is lifted from the gro und. In the take-over,<br />

spot, posit ion the exciter is switched o n by<br />

SW2-A while SW2-B shorts out the loop<br />

across the T U o u tput. This prevents the<br />

receiver from keying the transmitter (if<br />

printer <strong>and</strong> keyboard are in series), <strong>and</strong> also<br />

allows a q uick return of the printer to lower<br />

case by flipping the take over switch <strong>and</strong><br />

punc hing th e letters key. In the third position<br />

the " C" section of SW2 is used to<br />

contro l a transmit relay. In position No. 4<br />

the short across the co nverter output is<br />

removed <strong>and</strong> the transmitter may be keyed<br />

by an incoming signal.<br />

As with any hetrodyne circuit, care must<br />

be exercised not to tune u p o n a harmonic<br />

o r wrong beat. The unit should be set up<br />

in itially with a grid dip meter or absorption<br />

wave meter. The crystal used must be chosen<br />

so that the fourth or fifth harmonic of the<br />

pto docs not fa ll o n o r ncar the wanted<br />

frequency.<br />

By doubling in the transmitter any unwa<br />

nted is fu rther rem oved from the tuned<br />

o utput of the transmitter.<br />

200 ~ ~ !<br />

(--~--1r- TO ~TA l STAGE: (;1'110<br />

~<br />

F ig. 3. Coupling coil to transm itter .<br />

The average RTTY enthusist will d evote<br />

long hours <strong>and</strong> careful planning to come u p<br />

with the best possible TU. Then in a rush to<br />

get the rig o n the air will. all too often, slap<br />

a diode shifter o n any ex isting VFO - with<br />

less tha n the desi red resul t.<br />

Or. should he d ecid e to sh ift a cr ystal he<br />

may spend hou rs grindi ng the rock to a nct<br />

86<br />

F ig. 2.<br />

GAG7 A mpl ifier.<br />

frequency only to find his sh ift sh y o f the<br />

8 50 liz. Not to mcntion thc fa ct that the net<br />

frequency may change about the ti me he<br />

fin ally gets within to lerance.<br />

In fact it was grinding my fifth crystal for<br />

Air Fo rce Mars net opera tion in a little over<br />

one year that made me decide to do so mething,<br />

even if it were wrong.<br />

Some Transmitters may require mo rc<br />

d rive than that obtainable from the balanced<br />

modulator. An amplifier st age becomes<br />

necessary _ A 6 AG7 is a logica l choice. The<br />

grid o f this tube is capacitively coupled to<br />

o ne side o f coil L-l through a short length of<br />

RG-58. Two o r three turns should be removed<br />

fro m this side of L- I to maintain<br />

balance. (If individual condense rs arc used<br />

for C- l, this may be maintained by tu ning.)<br />

The layout of the 6AG7 stage must be<br />

made wit h care. Some physical separatio n is<br />

desirable between the coil L-I , <strong>and</strong> the<br />

6AG7 tube socket. The output co il, L-2,<br />

must be placed above chassis, (If L- I is<br />

below) with the plate lead going directly<br />

topside from the tube pin. The 27 ,000 ohm<br />

resistor insures complete stability.<br />

Lo w im pedance output, either fro 111 the<br />

balanced modulator, or the 6AG7 stage, if<br />

necessary . a llows the exciter to be lo cated a<br />

convenient distanccfro rn the transmitter.<br />

A tu ned link co u pled inpu t co il shou ld be<br />

used at the crystal stage of the transmitte r.<br />

Of the th ree FSK kcyer units I have buill,<br />

all have p roved a pleasu re to usc. It has been<br />

found unnecessary to let the pto ru n all the<br />

time, as it will be well within to leran ce fro m<br />

a co ld sta rt. And a five minute warm up will<br />

put you righ t on the butto n. The shifte rs<br />

have been used days at a time without<br />

touching the dial o n Air Force Mars circuits.<br />

So if you are having problems with drift.<br />

setting up <strong>and</strong> maintaining proper sh ift, o r if<br />

you are simply tired of grinding rocks. the<br />

0 · 17·A RT 13 pto sh ifter may be your<br />

answer.<br />

... W4 LLR

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