rf - Free and Open Source Software

rf - Free and Open Source Software

rf - Free and Open Source Software

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LRL-66 ANTENNA<br />

66' LONG. 10 THIU 10M<br />

•<br />

Powe r raling 2 !CW. P.E. P. or o .... r on 8 0, AO, 15<br />

On 20 gild 10 1 Kw. P,E.P. Trol'llm;"•• inp""<br />

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sss.oo 2 I. Load;n r ~olb for 10 '" 40M d oublet o lMnltlon<br />

I" C'Bt. 2. " d,u,t.W. encb to _t ao ....eter n.nlO.<br />

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USA. Dlld. 3.4. o.coupllnll' u ubol for za .. 10<br />


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Box 44<br />

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....nn_. to tak. PL-:z.s. plu a<br />

" Flttlnae on In eu l.to. e t o t l.on rope<br />

Ow_n,bo,o. K_ntucky 42301<br />

One that Didn't Work Out<br />

Do n't misunderst<strong>and</strong> me. The home-brew<br />

.oax switch I'm about to describe works fine.<br />

it just cost more than it shou ld have, <strong>and</strong> it<br />

doesn't do quite all that a commercial unit<br />

Ioes, If the purpose of home-brewing is to<br />

'ave money while producing gear eq ual o r superio<br />

r to co mme rcial products, this project<br />

qualifies as a failure. Still, it may be of interest.<br />

First, you take a cat fo od can-one of the<br />

little o nes that co ntains the so-called " gourmet"<br />

cat foods. <strong>Open</strong> it <strong>and</strong> feed your cat<br />

the contents. (Yo u do have a cat, don't you?)<br />

Then wash it - wash it rery well. If yo u don't<br />

you'll have a very smelly co ax switch !<br />

Now, mount six SO-239 co nnectors equally<br />

spaced aro und the o uter wall of the can.<br />

(Use the single hole mounting t ype if you<br />

can.) Drill a hole exactly in the center of the<br />

bottom, mount a six position ceramic switch<br />

with 60 degree indexing, <strong>and</strong> line up the contacts<br />

wit h the socke ts. Note that in one posit<br />

ion, there will be no connection, since o ne<br />

of the sockets serves as the input t o the<br />

swi tch. Wire it up using short lengths o f #12<br />

wire. Cut a disc of fl ashing a little larger than<br />

the diameter of the can, <strong>and</strong> seal up the back<br />

by laying a bead of so lde r between the rim of<br />

t he can <strong>and</strong> the flashing.<br />

If you buy everything new, the switch will<br />

cost you five or six dollars. It doesn' t ground<br />

the sys tem in the " off" position, <strong>and</strong> it won't<br />

h<strong>and</strong>le a kilo watt. For about five dollars<br />

more, yo u ca n buy a switch that does. However.<br />

crosstalk is low in the home-brew<br />

switch, <strong>and</strong> if you have eno ugh coax co nnectors<br />

<strong>and</strong> a suitable switch in the junkbox, it<br />

may he up your alley. Works fin e for switching<br />

between antennas, dummy loads, transvcrters.<br />

etc. If your junk box doesn't contain<br />

the necessary parts, take my advice - go buy<br />

a commcrcia l unit.<br />

There's a mo ral in this somewhere...so met<br />

hing about the point of di mi nishing returns?<br />

Bo b Grenell , W8 RHR<br />

,<br />

,<br />

t<br />

THE BEST<br />

6 METER<br />


•<br />

"<br />

Model 407<br />

$34.95<br />

ppd,<br />

50-52 MHz in. 28·30 MHz out<br />

or 52·54 MHz with a second crystal<br />

A full description of this fantastic converte r<br />

would fill t h is page, bu t you can take our word<br />

fur it lor t h ose of h und r eds o f satisfied users)<br />

that it 's t he best. The reason is stmple-c-we use<br />

t hree RCA du a l zete MOS FETs, one bipola r. <strong>and</strong><br />

:~ d iodes in the best circuit ever. Still n ot eonvinced?<br />

Then se n d for OUI' f ree catalog a n d get<br />

the full description , plus photos a n d even the<br />

schemat lc,<br />

Can ' t wa it '! Then sen d us a postal m oney order<br />

fo r $:H.95 <strong>and</strong> we'll rus h t he 40 7 ou t t o you.<br />

NOTE: The Model 407 is also available in any<br />

frequency combination up to 450 MHz (some at<br />

highet- prices) a s li st ed in out" catalog. New York<br />

City <strong>and</strong> State res idents a dd local sales t a x.<br />


D ~pt. H, 196·23 Jamaica Av~.• Hollis. N.Y. 11423<br />

( ~ 11/111/<br />

•<br />

I<br />

I<br />

rI<br />

" O K . so to m orro w y ou ge t your o wn<br />

Ifa nsce ive r! "<br />

MAY 1969<br />


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