L. Marie Adeline- S.E.C.R.E.T

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naked woman under a blanket being kissed by a giant, shirtless god, one with wet curls<br />

and the thickest eyelashes I’ve ever seen on a man. He placed his lips on mine and<br />

pressed, parting them easily, his warm tongue prodding, tentatively at rst. He folded<br />

over me, his massive hand cradling my head like it was no bigger than a peach. When<br />

he pulled away from me it was only reluctantly, I could feel it.<br />

“I won’t be long,” he said.<br />

“Hurry back.” Hurry back? I might as well have said that in a Southern accent! We were in<br />

real danger and I was swooning like a schoolgirl.<br />

Dropping the damp blanket to the oor, I looked around the room. I opened the small<br />

galley closet and found a few blue work shirts hanging there. I peeled off my wet clothes<br />

and carefully strung them over a chair in front of the space heater. I threw on one of the<br />

annel shirts. It was so big, he was so big, it hung to my knees. I crawled on top of the<br />

big bed, feeling the waves. With every passing minute, the Gulf waters seemed calmer<br />

and calmer. I thought about the cute pilot and hoped he had reached shore safely. I<br />

made a mental note to ask Jake to check for me. There must be some number, some<br />

central call-in place where members and participants could reach someone from<br />

S.E.C.R.E.T.<br />

The sound of the motor dying down woke me from a nap. I had no idea how long I<br />

ha d been out, but the waves had calmed considerably. I could hear Jake bumping<br />

around above me, making his way across the deck to the stairs to the galley, where I lay<br />

on the bed waiting. I wasn’t good at waiting. Calmness in the face of chaos wasn’t my<br />

style. But this was, after all, my rescue fantasy. While I decided I didn’t like being<br />

rescued one bit, I was willing to take part in the aftermath.<br />

“Hi,” he said, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of me on the bed.<br />

“Hi.”<br />

“Everything’s good up there. We’re safely away from the storm. Do you mind if I take<br />

off the rest of my wet clothes?”<br />

“I don’t mind at all,” I said, resting back on the pillows. If he was going to rescue me, I<br />

was going to play along. “So I’m safe, then?”<br />

“You were never in any danger,” he said, shuing o his damp jeans. This comment<br />

pricked the fantasy bubble and left me reeling in reality.<br />

“Are you kidding? I fell off a boat into the Gulf during a hurricane!”<br />

He was so tall he had to duck in the galley as he made his way to the bed.<br />

“Yes, you did, Cassie, but I’m trained to save lives. And yours was never in great<br />

danger. I can assure you.”<br />

He was so smooth from head to toe that he looked like marble. “But, but what<br />

if … something had happened to me?”<br />

“It was a tropical storm that became a hurricane very quickly. No one saw it coming,<br />

not even the weather bureau.”<br />

I had to admit, there is something exciting about surviving an accident. You feel alive<br />

in the most visceral way; your veins pulse; you can detect your skin breathing. You feel<br />

very fragile and human, but at the same time nearly immortal. Jake tentatively<br />

approached the bed. I could smell the salt water on his skin and some other scent

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