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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

• God is infinitely loving and at the center of every life.<br />

• Truth is love in action. Actions performed out of love are genuine expressions in a<br />

physical form of what love means.<br />

• There is one God whose essence is Divine Love and Wisdom. Father, Son, and<br />

Holy Spirit are all aspects of God just as body, mind, and soul are all aspects of one<br />

person.<br />

• The Bible is the inspired Word of God that provides inspiration and help to lead<br />

better and more fulfilling lives. The literal sense of Scripture tells the story of the<br />

people of God, and contains a deeper meaning that illumines the journey of the<br />

human soul.<br />

• People are essentially spirits clothed with material bodies. At death, the material<br />

body is laid aside and the person continues to live on in the world of spirit choosing<br />

a heavenly life or a hellish one, based on the quality of life choices made here.<br />

• God gives everyone the freedom to choose their beliefs and live their lives<br />

accordingly. Salvation is available for people of all religions.<br />

• The Second Coming has taken place—and in fact still is taking place. It is not an<br />

actual physical appearance of the Lord, but rather his return in spirit and truth that<br />

is being effected as a present reality.<br />

• God is infinitely loving and at the center of every life.<br />

Swedeenberg was a Physicist and he applied them in his derivation of theology.<br />

one page of it as presented by Rev. Dr. George Dole on Tue, July 10, 1984<br />

Here is<br />

Physics tells us that matter has both particle properties and wave properties. I'm<br />

suggesting that we take our own wave properties seriously, using as a guide our basic<br />

theological understandings of influx. In this model, all reality is a vast and impossibly<br />

intricate pattern of intersecting waves. It's a little as though there were an absolutely<br />

still pond, and someone dropped in thousands of pebbles all over its surface. But let's<br />

think of reality as being three-dimensional, and following our theological clues, let's<br />

posit two basic kinds of waves. The primary ones are coming down from the Lord. The<br />

secondary ones are coming horizontally. They are actually the vertical waves deflected.<br />

Each one of us is a point or region of intersection, a place where the direct inflow from<br />

the Lord meets the indirect inflow from our environment. These are the two forces that<br />

hold us together-- immediate influx is the force from within, and mediate influx is the<br />

force from without, to put it in more traditional terms.<br />

At this point, there is already a significant difference from the mechanical model. It will,<br />

I hope, be clearer as we go along, but I think you can already see that if we are<br />

intersections, it is impossible to define ourselves solely from the inside or solely from the<br />

outside. For example, I'm never just plain angry. I'm angry at something. I never just<br />

plain love. There must be objects of love. Nor am I ever just the product of my<br />

circumstances. Things don't make me angry, and people don't make me love them. It<br />

simply is not an either-or situation, and to pretend that it is would be like trying to define<br />

an intersection by just one of its roads.<br />


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