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PROF. M. M. NINAN<br />

VI<br />


OR<br />


The Council of Nicaea in 325 had not ended the Arian controversy which it had been<br />

called to clarify. Arius and his sympathizers, e.g. Eusebius of Nicomedia were admitted<br />

back into the church after ostensibly accepting the Nicene creed. Athanasius, bishop of<br />

Alexandria, the most vocal opponent of Arianism, was ultimately exiled through the<br />

machinations of Eusebius of Nicomedia. After Bishop Alexander's death in 336 his<br />

orthodox followers supported Paul I of Constantinople, in contrast the Arians rallied<br />

round Macedonius. After the death of Constantine, his son emperor Constantius II<br />

came to power, who was a semi-Arian. He came to Constantinople, convened a synod<br />

of Arian bishops, banished Paul I, and, to the disappointment of Macedonius, translated<br />

Eusebius of Nicomedia to the vacant see. This was thought to have been in 338. Open<br />

discussion of replacing Nicene creed itself began. Up until about 360, theological<br />

debates mainly dealt with the divinity of the Son, the second person of the <strong>Trinity</strong>.<br />

Macedonius, is known in history for his persecution of Novatians and Catholics, as both<br />

maintained the consubstantiality of Christ, the Son, with the Father.<br />

However, because the Council of Nicaea had not clarified the divinity of the Holy<br />

Spirit, the third person of the <strong>Trinity</strong>, it became a topic of debate.<br />

The Macedonians denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit.<br />

Pneumatomachian concept was that the Holy Spirit was a creation of the Son, and a<br />

servant of the Father and the Son.<br />

Hence the Council of Constantinople after deliberations added:<br />

“And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father,<br />

Who with the Father and the Son is equally worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the<br />

Prophets,”<br />

into the Nicene Creed<br />

This closed the issue of the Holy Spirit.<br />

However, neither the Nicene Creed nor the<br />

canons of the Council provided a detailed<br />

explanation of how God became human in the<br />

person of Jesus, leaving the door open for<br />

speculation. How can God be Man? What is<br />


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