Strategic Planning for Species Conservation: A Handbook - IUCN

Strategic Planning for Species Conservation: A Handbook - IUCN

Strategic Planning for Species Conservation: A Handbook - IUCN


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<strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Species</strong> <strong>Conservation</strong><br />

Goals thus have the same long-term time frame and wide spatial<br />

scale as the vision. Goals use the same criteria <strong>for</strong> what it means to<br />

save a species that were agreed when developing the Vision (e.g.,<br />

striving to achieve ecologically functioning populations).<br />

Goal Target Goal Targets provide a medium-term (typically 5–10 years) subset<br />

of the Goals. Thus they represent those Goals that can realistically<br />

be achieved over the lifetime of the SCS (and/or those steps<br />

towards achieving the Goals that can realistically be achieved over<br />

the lifetime of the SCS). Like all targets, Goal targets should be<br />

SMART.<br />

GIS Geographic In<strong>for</strong>mation System.<br />

Indicator (of success) A single measure of achievement; or a description of the conditions<br />

that would show that a particular Action had been implemented<br />

successfully. Good indicators are measurable, precise, consistent,<br />

and sensitive.<br />

<strong>IUCN</strong> International Union <strong>for</strong> <strong>Conservation</strong> of Nature.<br />

NGO Non-governmental organization.<br />

Objective Broad summaries of the approaches to be taken in attempting to<br />

achieve a strategy’s Vision and Goals. Each objective usually relates<br />

to a logically related set of threats and constraints; <strong>for</strong> example, if<br />

lack of capacity were to be identified as a constraint on effective<br />

conservation of a species, then one obvious Objective would be to<br />

develop capacity.<br />

Objective Target Detailed, time-bound, summaries of what needs to be achieved to<br />

attain a strategy’s Vision and Goals. Objective Targets help to group<br />

Actions into logically related clusters.<br />

Problem Tree A visualization technique, useful <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>ming the development of<br />

Objectives, which links proximate threats with their ultimate causes<br />

and constraints. Proximate threats to species are represented at the<br />

bottom of the diagram, with ultimate causes at the top.<br />

PVA Population Viability Analysis.<br />

PHVA Population and Habitat Viability Assessment; an interactive,<br />

participatory workshop process that generates extinction risk<br />

assessments based upon in-depth analysis of in<strong>for</strong>mation on the life<br />

history, population dynamics, ecology, and history of a population.<br />

Red List The <strong>IUCN</strong> Red List of Threatened <strong>Species</strong> TM is an annually updated<br />

inventory of the extinction risk and global conservation status of<br />

plant and animal species.<br />

Red List Categories The <strong>IUCN</strong> Red List Categories and Criteria are intended to be an<br />

easily and widely understood system <strong>for</strong> classifying species at high<br />

risk of global extinction. The general aim of the system is to provide<br />


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