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Tutorials<br />

Code augmented reality markers<br />

Make the model<br />

In this project the model<br />

was created in Cinema 4D,<br />

but most 3D modelling<br />

applications will be able<br />

to create the model. The<br />

main point you should look<br />

for is that you can export<br />

to Three.js, which does<br />

support a wide range of 3D<br />

model formats. One of the<br />

most popular is the Collada<br />

model format, which is<br />

XML based and has the file<br />

extension of DAE standing<br />

for Digital Asset Exchange.<br />

When the models are<br />

named in the modelling<br />

application, this ties up<br />

directly with the name<br />

of the models in steps<br />

4 to 7 by using the<br />

getModeByName<br />

command. Once these<br />

are stored in a variable<br />

it’s easy to get access to<br />

them and computationally<br />

animate these in the<br />

browser window.<br />

cameraParametersUrl: ‘data/camera_para.<br />

dat’,<br />

detectionMode: ‘mono’,<br />

maxDetectionRate: 30,<br />

canvasWidth: 80 * 3,<br />

canvasHeight: 60 * 3,<br />

});<br />

15. Get the camera data<br />

The AR toolkit is initialised now and the camera in the<br />

<strong>Web</strong>GL scene gets the same projection matrix as the<br />

input camera from the AR toolkit. The AR toolkit is<br />

pushed into the render queue so that it can be displayed<br />

on the screen every frame.<br />

arToolkitContext.init(function onCompleted()<br />

{<br />

camera.projectionMatrix.<br />

copy(arToolkitContext.<br />

getProjectionMatrix());<br />

});<br />

onRenderFcts.push(function() {<br />

if (arToolkitSource.ready === false)<br />

return<br />

arToolkitContext.update(arToolkitSource.<br />

domElement)<br />

});<br />

16. Match the marker<br />

The markerRoot is a group that will be used to match the<br />

shape in augmented reality. It’s first added to the scene,<br />

then this is used along with the AR toolkit to detect the<br />

pattern, which is also located in the data folder.<br />

markerRoot = new THREE.Group<br />

scene.add(markerRoot)<br />

artoolkitMarker = new THREEx.ArMarkerControl<br />

s(arToolkitContext, markerRoot, {<br />

type: ‘pattern’,<br />

patternUrl: ‘data/patt.hiro’<br />

});<br />

17. Add the model<br />

Back in the early steps a model was loaded and stored<br />

in the variable of the model. This is added to the<br />

markerRoot group from the previous frame. The model<br />

had some specific elements within it that are going to be<br />

animated every frame. They are also pushed into the<br />

render queue.<br />

markerRoot.add(model);<br />

onRenderFcts.push(function() {<br />

tube1.rotation.y -= 0.01;<br />

tube2.rotation.y += 0.005;<br />

mid.rotation.y -= 0.008;<br />

details.position.y = (5 + 3 * Math.<br />

sin(1.2 * pulse));<br />

});<br />

18. Finish the init function<br />

The renderer is told to render the scene with the camera<br />

every frame by adding it into the render queue, which is<br />

the array set up in step 9. The animate function is called,<br />

and this will render every frame to display content. The<br />

closing bracket finishes and closes the init function.<br />

onRenderFcts.push(function() {<br />

renderer.render(scene, camera)<br />

});<br />

lastTimeMsec = null;<br />

animate();<br />

}<br />

19. Just keep going<br />

The animate function is created now and uses the<br />

browser’s requestAnimationFrame, which is a call to<br />

repaint before the screen is drawn. This continues to call<br />

itself, and the browser attempts to call this function at 60<br />

frames per second.<br />

function animate(nowMsec) {<br />

// keep looping<br />

requestAnimationFrame(animate);<br />

20. Timing issues<br />

Mobile browsers sometimes find it dificult to reach 60<br />

frames per second with diferent apps running. Here<br />

timing is worked out so that the screen is updated<br />

based on timing. This means if frames drop, it looks<br />

much smoother.<br />

lastTimeMsec = lastTimeMsec || nowMsec -<br />

1000 / 60;<br />

var deltaMsec = Math.min(200, nowMsec -<br />

lastTimeMsec);<br />

lastTimeMsec = nowMsec;<br />

pulse = Date.now() * 0.0009;<br />

21. Finish it up<br />

Finally each of the elements in the render queue are<br />

now rendered to the screen. Save the page and view<br />

this from a https server on mobile or a regular http<br />

server on desktop, print the supplied marker and hold<br />

it in front of the camera to see the augmented content.<br />

onRenderFcts.forEach(function(onRenderFct) {<br />

onRenderFct(deltaMsec / 1000, nowMsec /<br />

1000);<br />

});<br />

}<br />


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