Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Sixth Fascicle

Halâl, harâm, and the doubtful,What is harâm to eat and things that are harâm to use, Wine, and alcoholic beverages. Is tobacco-smoking sinful?, Isrâf (wastefulness), fâiz (interest), and tobacco-smoking, Manners (âdâb) that must be observed when eating and drinking,(Siblings through) the Milk-Tie, Nafaqa, and rights of neighbours,Islam, and the woman...

Halâl, harâm, and the doubtful,What is harâm to eat and things that are harâm to use, Wine, and alcoholic beverages. Is tobacco-smoking sinful?, Isrâf (wastefulness), fâiz (interest), and tobacco-smoking, Manners (âdâb) that must be observed when eating and drinking,(Siblings through) the Milk-Tie, Nafaqa, and rights of neighbours,Islam, and the woman...


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obey both Islam and the laws in force in his country. If a Muslim<br />

becomes a murtadd and goes to the Dâr-ul-harb, his property will<br />

pass on to his inheritors’ possession. It will not become property of<br />

the Beyt-ul-mâl. A dhimmî who says that he has become a Muslim<br />

will be admitted as a Muslim. A disbeliever will not become a<br />

Muslim only by having himself circumcised. A dhimmî who buys a<br />

Muslim jâriya will be punished vehemently with ta’zîr. He will be<br />

ordered to sell the jâriya to a Muslim. A dhimmî who has bought<br />

a house within the Muslims’ quarter will be ordered to sell it to a<br />

Muslim. A Muslim who has rented out his house in the vicinity of<br />

a mosque to a dhimmî will be ordered to evacuate the house and<br />

rent it out to Muslims who perform (their daily prayers of) namâz.<br />

It is permissible for a dhimmî to buy a slave who also is a<br />

disbeliever. If the slave becomes a Muslim, then the dhimmî will<br />

have to sell the slave to a Muslim. If a dhimmî fornicates with a<br />

Muslim woman, he will be flogged with a hundred stripes and sent<br />

to prison, being kept in confinement for a long time. If the woman<br />

is muhsan (married) she will be punished with rajm (stoning to<br />

that). If not, she will be flogged. A person who fornicates with his<br />

daughter-in-law will be punished with rajm.”<br />

A person who utters fuhsh (indecent or obscene words) will be<br />

punished with ta’zîr. For, it is an act of makrûh tahrîmî to utter<br />

fuhsh. It is stated in the eleventh of the ruinations incurred by way<br />

of speech: ‘Fuhsh’ means ‘indecent or obscene speech’. Anything<br />

that exceeds its (dictated) limit is called ‘fâhish (excessive,<br />

exorbitant)’. In this context, it means to tell someone else about<br />

indecent acts by using an overt language. An example of this is<br />

usage of a vulgar language when you have to talk about conjugal<br />

relations, relieving nature, etc. It is fuhsh, and so it is an act of<br />

makrûh tahrîmî, to express these events by uttering their vulgar<br />

versions. For, doing so is incompatible with muruwwat and<br />

diyânat; it will divest a person of virtues such as shame and<br />

bashfulness that are inherent in his nature and, to the bargain, it<br />

will hurt others. Muruwwat means ‘human virtues’, ‘manliness’.<br />

When it is necessary to talk about conjugal relations or other<br />

bodily functions such as relieving nature, kinâya should be<br />

preferred to frankness. Kinâya means to use indirect, euphemistic<br />

remarks instead of an open, direct language. For instance, Allâhu<br />

ta’âlâ has said the word ‘lems’, which means ‘touch’, instead of the<br />

word jimâ’ (coitus), in the Qur’ân al-kerîm. A hadîth-i-sherîf<br />

quoted by Ibni Abi-d-dunyâ and Abû Nu’aym ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ<br />

’alaihimâ’ reads: “It is harâm for people who utter fuhsh to enter<br />

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