Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Sixth Fascicle

Halâl, harâm, and the doubtful,What is harâm to eat and things that are harâm to use, Wine, and alcoholic beverages. Is tobacco-smoking sinful?, Isrâf (wastefulness), fâiz (interest), and tobacco-smoking, Manners (âdâb) that must be observed when eating and drinking,(Siblings through) the Milk-Tie, Nafaqa, and rights of neighbours,Islam, and the woman...

Halâl, harâm, and the doubtful,What is harâm to eat and things that are harâm to use, Wine, and alcoholic beverages. Is tobacco-smoking sinful?, Isrâf (wastefulness), fâiz (interest), and tobacco-smoking, Manners (âdâb) that must be observed when eating and drinking,(Siblings through) the Milk-Tie, Nafaqa, and rights of neighbours,Islam, and the woman...


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his dislikes and labels them ‘harâm’ and ‘makrûh’, the Islamic<br />

religion will degenerate into Christianity. Like Christianity, it will<br />

turn into a jumble that can never be rearranged.<br />

Isrâf (wastefulness) is an act of harâm, and quite a vicious one.<br />

How daring it is to say off-hand that tobacco is definitely an isrâf.<br />

An even worse expression of inanity and ignorance is to utter<br />

words such as ‘out of place’ and ‘valueless’ about the statements of<br />

Islamic scholars. The first requirement is to understand these<br />

things; next, negations must be made one by one and by providing<br />

documentation. Yes. A person who conjectures parochially on the<br />

lexical meaning of ‘isrâf’ without bothering to look up the<br />

explanation and the classification provided by Islam, will dismiss<br />

the matter by simply saying that smoking tobacco is the worst isrâf.<br />

It is an offence to dock the money necessary for the subsistence of<br />

one’s family. Why is the blame incurred by the offender being put<br />

only on tobacco and no quota from the criticism is being assigned<br />

to the major culprit, i.e. laziness and expenditure on harâms and<br />

needless ventures? Why is a poor person’s docking the money he<br />

is to spend daily for the needs of his family and buying tobacco<br />

being milked for the purpose of calling one or two cigarettes<br />

smoked by a rich person or a poor person’s smoking the cigarette<br />

offered to him ‘harâm’? Their argument has a ring of ingrained<br />

bigotry, which in turn betrays their biased hostility against tobacco.<br />

Ceasing from tobacco will not cause one to earn thawâb for<br />

resisting against (the wishes of) one’s nafs [1] . It is cruelty to deprive<br />

one’s body of its needs. It is a sinful act. The nafs will not be<br />

satiated when it attains its needs. What it wishes is always beyond<br />

its needs, i.e. the harâms. Then, resisting against one’s nafs<br />

involves abstaining from the harâms and from excess in enjoying<br />

the mubâhs. Not to smoke tobacco once a day is not resistance<br />

against one’s nafs. Resistance to it is abstinence from smoking<br />

tobacco too much, which means not to smoke so much as to abuse<br />

one’s health and wallet. This resistance against one’s nafs should<br />

be caried on not only with tobacco, but also with all the other<br />

(permitted acts termed) mubâhs.<br />

Nor will likening tobacco to opium indicate that it is harâm for<br />

everyone. On the contrary, it will indicate that it is not even<br />

makrûh for people who smoke it below the limit of harm. For,<br />

[1] Nafs is a malignant creature inherent in the human nature. It is<br />

inimical to Allâhu ta’âlâ and to His commandments. All its wishes are<br />

harmful to it and to the person carrying it.<br />

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