2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor
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26<br />
Hadley – On <strong>the</strong> Road Less Traveled<br />
In <strong>the</strong> most nor<strong>the</strong>rn part of Sara<strong>to</strong>ga Country, at <strong>the</strong> confluence of <strong>the</strong> Great<br />
Sacandaga and <strong>the</strong> mighty Hudson Rivers is where you’ll find a little gem called<br />
Hadley.<br />
Hadley is a quaint little<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn where <strong>the</strong> roads are less<br />
traveled, <strong>the</strong> people friendly,<br />
<strong>the</strong> whitewater <strong>the</strong> best in New<br />
York and <strong>the</strong> view from <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>to</strong>p of Hadley Mountain is<br />
breathtaking. You won’t find big<br />
industry here, what you’ll find<br />
are some very talented, genuine,<br />
hard-working people raising a<br />
family and enjoying <strong>the</strong> world<br />
around <strong>the</strong>m at a slower pace.<br />
Hadley is a<br />
wonderful place <strong>to</strong>…<br />
The 1885 landmark parabolic Bow Bridge spans <strong>the</strong> Sacandaga River, where you’ll find some of <strong>the</strong> best whitewater in New<br />
York State. Pho<strong>to</strong> credits <strong>to</strong>: Luzerne Productions and PilotGirl Productions<br />
Come... Explore Hadley...<br />
A Great Destination for Adventure<br />
Visit<br />
Brea<strong>the</strong> fresh air<br />
Unwind<br />
Make friends<br />
Play<br />
Ride a bike<br />
Climb a mountain<br />
Get dirty<br />
Fall in love<br />
Pitch a tent<br />
Eat well<br />
Rest<br />
Swing a golf club<br />
Work hard<br />
Raise a family<br />
Pray<br />
Picnic<br />
Make a memory<br />
Sing<br />
Cool off<br />
Build<br />
Contact: Supervisor Arthur “Mo” Wright: 518-696-4797<br />
www.<strong>to</strong>wnofhadley.net | supervisorwright@<strong>to</strong>wnofhadley.org<br />
Hadley Business Association: Sue Wilder: 518-696-4947<br />
Explore.HadleyNY.net | hadleyba<strong>20</strong>03@yahoo.com<br />
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