2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!


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Nice Liquid Since 1999!<br />

The Adirondack Pub & Brewery tapped <strong>the</strong>ir first keg in 1999.<br />

They have since grown <strong>to</strong> producing nearly 10,000 barrels of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

handcrafted ales and lagers annually. With recently announced expansion<br />

plans, <strong>the</strong> brewery’s capacity will triple. Adirondack Brewery<br />

contributes its success <strong>to</strong> consistently producing quality beer brewed<br />

with local ingredients and bedrock spring water free from minerals<br />

and impurities. Adirondack Brewery brews over 30 unique beers annually<br />

including year-round,<br />

seasonal, and one-off offerings.<br />

“Our brewers have an<br />

excitement for <strong>the</strong>ir craft<br />

that is reflecting in <strong>the</strong>ir creativity<br />

and endless research<br />

in discovering new tastes<br />

and brewing techniques”,<br />

said owner John Carr.<br />

New for <strong>20</strong>18, High<br />

Peaks Distilling, located across <strong>the</strong> way from <strong>the</strong> brewery, produces<br />

world class spirits using traditional Scottish techniques. After decades<br />

of brewing and perfecting <strong>the</strong> complex art of malt fermentation,<br />

<strong>the</strong> next step was obvious; why not take <strong>the</strong> love of malt <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

next level and produce thought-provoking malt whiskey.<br />

This includes <strong>the</strong>ir first release, a multiple award-winning singlemalt<br />

whiskey, Cloudsplitter, which has taken silver medals in <strong>the</strong><br />

Denver International Spirits Competition & <strong>the</strong> <strong>20</strong>18 Great American<br />

International Spirits Competition, amongst o<strong>the</strong>rs. Named after<br />

<strong>the</strong> tallest peak in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Adirondacks</strong>, Mt. Marcy, Cloudsplitter lives<br />

Reach our advertisers at:<br />

up <strong>to</strong> its namesake by delivering a fresh, clean taste. Their use of<br />

multiple casks rounds out <strong>the</strong> taste with a subtle sweetness backed<br />

by <strong>the</strong> complexity of European and American Oak. Cloudsplitter can<br />

currently be found at numerous, high quality restaurants and bars in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Lake George region.<br />

The tasting room and distillery will be opening <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> public in<br />

early summer and will offer <strong>to</strong>urs, tastings, and bottles available for<br />

purchase. Learn more about <strong>the</strong> distillery by going <strong>to</strong> HPDistilling.<br />

com or facebook.com/HighPeaksDistilling.<br />

Discover all <strong>the</strong> products produced by Adirondack Brewery, High<br />

Peaks Distilling, and Lake George Soda Works at supermarkets, beverage<br />

centers, bars, and restaurants throughout <strong>the</strong> Adirondack region<br />

and in over 40 New York State counties. S<strong>to</strong>p in at <strong>the</strong> Pub & Brewery<br />

located at 33 Canada Street<br />

in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn end of <strong>the</strong> Lake<br />

George Village <strong>to</strong> enjoy lunch<br />

or dinner, sample <strong>the</strong>ir award<br />

winning ales, and take a brewery<br />

<strong>to</strong>ur.<br />

The Pub is open at Noon,<br />

7 days a week throughout <strong>the</strong><br />

Summer. Head over <strong>to</strong> www.<br />

adkbrewery.com for more information<br />

and be sure <strong>to</strong> follow all<br />

that is happening on <strong>the</strong>ir social<br />

media accounts: Facebook- Adirondack<br />

Pub & Brewery Instagram-<br />

@adkbrewery Twitter- @<br />

adkbrewery<br />

ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com

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