Hangzhou Zhejiang Education Guide 2019-2020

The best of international education in Hangzhou and beyond.

The best of international education in Hangzhou and beyond.


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Helping Children Transition

into a New School

家 校 配 合 让 适 应 期 更 顺 畅

By Wellington College

International Hangzhou

杭 州 惠 灵 顿 外 籍 人 员 子 女 学 校

In international schools around

the world, an important

topic raises its head at the

beginning of each school year;

transitions. Given the nature

of international schools, with

a largely transient population,

each year will see new children

entering the school. Some of

them may be moving from

another school locally. For many

though, it is not only a new

school that they must get used

to, but an entirely new national

culture. This transition process

does not only occur at the start

of the year. Inevitably, at the end

of each year, a number of pupils

must also leave and embark on

a new transition of their own;

whether that is back to their

home country or to another new

country. Transitions are part of

life for international schools and

learning how to support children

through this process is crucial.

Transitioning for children is

not easy. Leaving a familiar

place, leaving existing friends

and losing the comfort of the

'known' can be hard. Transitions

bring a unique set of social

and emotional challenges

that schools and parents must

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