Hangzhou Zhejiang Education Guide 2019-2020

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How to Encourage

Reading in a

Technological World

如 何 在 科 技 化 时 代 鼓 励 阅 读


café filled with people,

some in low conversation,

most glued to phones or

computers, various screens

dimly glow, reflected through

locked eyes. In this fairly

common modern-day scene,

I find something to always

be missing - the books. In a

technological age that values

innovation, instant gratification,

fast-paced consumption of

information, data and soundbytes,

cellphones over books

and STEM over social sciences,

it’s no surprise that reading,

literacy, and reading for pleasure

are declining in many countries.

Whilst everyone may have

their own opinion on whether

reading is vital, if all textbooks

should be shelved in favour of

online resources and interactive

whiteboards, or if you wouldn’t

mind our world one day

resembling Ray Bradbury’s,

Fahrenheit 451, reading is an

extremely important skill that

contributes to a successful future

and career. Furthermore, I believe

that with the many damaging

habits in the world, sitting down

after a long day, cracking open a

worn book, and delving into an

enchanting story is something

everybody in the world can

appreciate, most of all children.

Reading is a habit, a skill, and a

hobby. Developed in infancy, it’s

crucial to nurture interest from

a young age. Experts agree that

the younger the child is exposed

to books, the more likely reading

will become an ingrained aspect

of their life. In addition, not only

is reading a way to form lasting

bonds with your child, but it

is also a fun and healthy habit

demonstrated to have many

advantageous benefits. Reading

is proven to boost vocabulary,

concentration, comprehension,

language skills, empathy,

knowledge, and cognition,

which is probably why Richard

Steele famously said, “Reading

is to the mind what exercise is

to the body”. Moreover, research

conducted by the University of

Melbourne and the Victoria state

government concluded that

regardless of economic or social

background, reading to your

child six to seven times a week

has the same cognitive effect as

being almost 12 months older,

and in the future, these children

are shown to perform better on

school exams.

Books have their place, so

how do we encourage reading

in the modern, technological

world? There are many different

options, from using interactive

storybooks in infancy to

ensuring your home provides

a dedicated, comfortable

reading space throughout

adolescence. Finding the fine

balance between forcing your

48 Zhejiang Education Guide 2019-2020

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