The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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What happens when we start to chase what we really

want: We resist doing the work that it takes to actually

get it because we are so afraid of not having it, any brush

with failure makes us rescind our effort and tense up.

When we go so long not having what we really want, we

create subconscious associations between having it and

“being bad,” because we have judged others for having it.

When we get it, we fear losing it so badly that we push it

away from ourselves so as to not have to withstand the pain.

We are so deeply enmeshed in the mental state of “wanting,”

we cannot shift to a state of “having.”

First, when we want something really, really badly, it is

often because we have unrealistic expectations associated

with it. We imagine that it will change our lives in some

formidable way, and often, that’s not the case.

When we are relying on some goal or life change to “save”

us in some unrealistic way, any incident of failure will trigger

us to stop trying. For example: If we are absolutely

certain that a romantic partner will help us stop being

depressed, we are going to be extremely sensitive to rejection,

because it makes us feel as though we will never get

over depression.

Of course, the obvious issue here is that dating is a process

of trial and error. You have to fail first to succeed.

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