The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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than the fear of feeling the emotion, as the experience itself

is ultimately often just some physical tension around

which we’ve crafted a story.

Remember that a lot of these feelings may very well have

a root in something related to the self-sabotaging behavior.

If you are angry about how one of your parents treated

you, it probably won’t come as a surprise that the core feeling

of why you are sabotaging your relationships is anger

and mistrust. The feelings associated with self-sabotage

are not usually random. In fact, they can lead us to deeper

insights about what we really need and what problems

within us are still unresolved.

To fully release those feelings once you are aware of them,

try writing yourself a letter. Write something to your

younger self or from the perspective of your future self.

Write down a mantra or a manifesto. Remind yourself

that you love yourself too much to settle for less, or that it

is okay to be angry in unfair or frustrating circumstances.

Give yourself space to experience the depth of your emotions

so that they do not control your behaviors.



The final and most important lesson to overcome self-sabotage

is to learn to disconnect action from feeling.

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