The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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an extraordinarily powerful one at that.” He argues that

mental disorders and destructive behavior patterns are

usually more or less related to unconscious parts of ourselves

and were most often adopted in early life.


Finding inner peace isn’t always so much about just sitting

in the lotus position until wisdom becomes you; it’s about

making the uncomfortable decision to stay with your discomfort

and to choose differently.

As Gail Brenner explains: “The inner war is perpetuated

by resistance—that is, not wanting to feel the way we feel,

not wanting people to do what they are doing, not wanting

events to occur as they are occurring. Resistance wants

to rewrite our personal histories and ensure that our plans

materialize.” She argues that inner peace is the only kind

that exists because nothing else is in our control. 22

Another really amazing way to find your inner peace is to

constantly remind yourself that your worries are a fabrication

of your mind’s need to identify potential threats for

survival, and true happiness is being here in the moment.

If that’s hard to believe, make a list of the following:

• Everything you have intensely worried about in your

life. Go back as many years as you can, and be as

detailed as you can.

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