The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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identify the thing that can potentially hurt you and then

creatively come up with ways to completely avoid that experience.

The smarter you are, the better you become at this.

However, the more you avoid a fear, the more intense it



A faulty inference is when you come up with a false conclusion

based on valid evidence.

This means that what you’re seeing, experiencing, or understanding

might be real, but the assumptions that you

are piecing together from it are either not real or are highly


One example is a hasty generalization, which is when you

make a claim about an entire group of people based on

one or two experiences you’ve had. This is the bias at the

base of a lot of racism and prejudice. Another example

is post hoc ergo propter hoc, which is what happens when

you assume that because two things happened around the

same time, they must be related, even if they aren’t.

A false dichotomy happens when you assume that there

are only two possibilities that could be valid, when in reality,

there are far more that you simply aren’t aware of.

An example of this is when your boss calls you to a private

meeting, and you assume you must either be getting

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