The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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because these people are smart, they would be able to use

logic to disrupt illogical fears. (Logical lapses, or an inability

to adequately reason, often generate anxiety.)

However, their brains are doing exactly what they were

meant to do, which is to piece together unrelated stimuli

and identify potential threats.

Highly intelligent people have a psychological function

others do not, which is the ability to infer. They can extract

meaning and understanding from things that others

simply take at face value. This is why people who have extremely

high IQs often struggle with basic things such as

social skills or driving a car. Where others see the world as

one-dimensional, the highly intelligent see it as three-dimensional.

They think more deeply than is often necessary.

This gives them their ability to create, understand,

strategize, and invent.

In the same way that the endomorph’s excellent metabolism

can work against them, so too can a highly intelligent

person’s brain. This is because at times, they make something

called “faulty inferences,” which are when fallacies,

biases, and incorrect assumptions are made from valid


What’s happening in your brain when you’re very anxious

is that you’re taking an often innocuous stimulus and

extracting some kind of meaning or prediction from it.

When you’re scared, your brain is working in overdrive to

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