The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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guidance, even going back to certain traumatizing events

and readdressing them with the wisdom you have now.

But more often, the process of reconnecting with your

inner child is to let them communicate with you. It is how

you can rediscover your inherent desires, passions, fears,

and feelings.

The process is akin to reverse engineering, which is when

you identify the end goals for your life and then work

backwards to see what you need to do each day, week,

month, and year to get there. However, it works the opposite

way as well. You can use a visualization technique to

connect to your highest potential future self.


Sit down in a quiet place with a journal. Make sure you’re

doing it at a time when you feel relaxed and open to receive

guidance. If you go into this with fear, you are going

to get fear.

Next, close your eyes and begin a meditation session. Take

a few moments to breathe deeply and center yourself.

Imagine sitting down at a comfortable table in a well-lit

room, somewhere that you are happy and feel at peace.

Then, invite your future self to come sit with you and talk.

You can request that they are a certain age, but usually the

age will just come to you when you see them.

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