The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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When you live in a world that is constantly telling you

to follow your heart, trust your gut, quit your day job,

and do what you love, it can be disheartening when you

don’t know where to start. When you start thinking that

you don’t know what to do with your life, what you really

mean is that you don’t yet know who you are.

Finding your purpose is not necessarily about realizing

that you are destined to live in a monastery or devote your

life to a singular vocation or goal. Your purpose is not one

job, it is not one relationship, it is not even one career field.

Your purpose is, first and foremost, just to be here. Your

existence has shifted the world in a way that it is invisible

to you. Without you, absolutely nothing would exist just

as it is right now. This is important to understand, because

if you start believing that your whole purpose in being

alive is just a specific job or role you take on at home, what

happens when you quit or retire, or when the kids grow up

and you’re no longer a parent?

You’ll sink because you will falsely think that was your

only reason for being.

Your purpose today may have been to offer someone a

smile when they were at their lowest. Your purpose this

decade may be the job you’re in. When you realize that you

are always impacting the world around you, you start to realize

something: The most important thing you can do to live

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