The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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the less that you build a life on your own terms, the more

you are going to sabotage opportunities and feel drained

and exhausted when you “should” feel happy.

The more you lean into fulfilling your core needs, the more

your commitment symptoms will disappear.

Once you understand what a person really wants, you

will be able to explain the intricacies of their habits and

behaviors. You will be able to predict down to the detail

what they will do in any given situation. More importantly,

once you start asking yourself what you really want,

you’ll be able to stop battling the symptoms and start addressing

the only issue that has ever really existed in your

life, which is living out of alignment with your core needs

and, therefore, your core purpose.



There is a difference between understanding why we

self-sabotage and the act of no longer self-sabotaging.

This means that once we understand the root and purpose

of the behavior, we adjust it. We adapt. Overcoming

self-sabotage is not just a matter of understanding why

you’re holding yourself back; it is being able to take action

in the direction that you want and need to, even if it is

initially uncomfortable or triggering.

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