The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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If we feel bad about not being as successful as another

person, we might try to find something negative about

them to make ourselves feel better. If we do that every

time we come across a person who is more successful than

we are, we begin to associate that level of success with

being disliked. When it comes time for us to take action

to move our lives forward, we’re going to resist doing it,

because becoming more successful will create a breach in

our self-concept.

In other cases, you might have heard people you grew up

around villainizing others who had money. They might

have said things like, “Ugh, rich people are the worst.”

Maybe they chalked all wealthy people up to being morally

corrupt. This sweeping characterization sealed itself in

your subconscious, and now you find yourself sabotaging

your own attempts to become financially healthy, because

you associate it with guilt and being disliked.

When we set up judgments for others, they become rules

that we have to play by, too. By judging others for what

we don’t have or because we envy them, we sabotage our

own lives far more than we ever really hurt anybody else.


Many people say that you have to love yourself first before

you can love others, but really, if you learn to love others,

you will learn to love yourself.

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