The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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Sometimes, your dreams for your life are adopted from

other people’s preferences. In other cases, you determine

what you want and then you outgrow your old ambitions.

Sometimes, we fight endlessly to try to force ourselves to

want something that we do not really want, and it always

leaves us empty, because it isn’t a genuine desire. This is

different than lacking motivation or experiencing resistance.

Our inability to perform is not based in fear or lack

of skill, it is based in an inherent knowing that this is not

what we want for our lives, and perhaps we’re feeling lost

or unable to change our path.

When you find yourself struggling with something, you

have to ask yourself: Do I actually want to do this? Do you

want the job, or do you just like how the title sounds? Are

you in love with the person, or do you like the idea of

the relationship? Are you still holding an outdated idea of

what your greatest success will be, and if so, what would it

look like to let that go?

At the end of the day, self-sabotage sometimes functions

to show us that we aren’t quite on the right path yet, and

that we need to reevaluate to determine what would feel

best for our lives, even if that means we disappoint some

people or even our younger selves.

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