The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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What you do every single day accounts for the quality of

your life and the degree of your success. It’s not whether

you “feel” like putting in the work, but whether or not you

do it regardless.

This is because the outcomes of life are not governed by

passion; they are governed by principle.

You may not think what you did this morning was important,

but it was. You may not think that the little things add

up, but they do. Consider the age-old brainteaser: Would

you rather have $1 million in hand today or a penny that

doubles in value every day for the next month? The $1

million right now sounds great, but after a 31-day month,

that one penny would be worth over $10 million.

Making big, sweeping changes is not difficult because we

are flawed, incompetent beings. It’s difficult because we

are not meant to live outside of our comfort zones.

If you want to change your life, you need to make tiny,

nearly undetectable decisions every hour of every day

until those choices are habituated. Then you’ll just continue

to do them.

If you want to spend less time on your phone, deny yourself

the chance to check it one time today. If you want to

eat healthier, drink half a cup of water today. If you want

to sleep more, go to bed 10 minutes earlier tonight than

you did last night.

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