The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

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This is valid. Your intestines are literally connected to

the stem of your brain; the bacteria in your stomach respond

to subconscious intelligent awareness faster than

your mind can. This is why your “gut” is indeed correct on

instinct. But when this advice is given to people who cannot

differentiate a gut feeling from fear or from a passing

thought that has no bearing on reality or their lives as a

whole, it becomes a dangerous practice in which they become

completely stuck and limited because they assume

their random feelings are all real—and then not only real,

but a prediction for what’s to come.

Psychic thinking is nothing more than a series of cognitive

biases, the most prominent of which are the following:


At any moment in time, your brain is inundated with stimuli.

To help you process, your conscious mind is aware of about

10% of it or less. Your subconscious mind is still paying attention,

logging away information you might one day need.

However, what determines what makes it to that 10% of

our conscious awareness has a lot to do with what we already

believe. Our brains are literally working to filter out

information that does not support our preexisting ideas,

and then to draw our attention to information that does.

This means that we are subject to a “confirmation bias,”

which is that we literally seek out and sort through stimuli

that supports what we want to think.

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