TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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keeping in mind that almost

every project is multidisciplinary

in the investor’s perspective.

Basically, without data exchange

between different disciplines in a

project, we cannot even say that

BIM workflow is applied in full

capacity in a particular project.

It should not be mistaken that

only sharing parameters and data

is enough by itself, because it

may seem very chaotic, like an

example on the following image:

Exchanging the BIM data of a

particular discipline with other

disciplines in a project makes

sense only if the data and

parameters are shared with other

disciplines in an optimized and

arranged way.

I often point out in my

presentations and speeches in

different professional

conferences that I in BIM is the

most crucial thing and that

information in a model of a

certain discipline worth if and

only if it is shared in a right

moment of the design process.

To sum up, the essential

prerequisite for the successful

BIM workflow implementation in

the design process of the

multidisciplinary project are:

• Establishing the efficient BIM

workflow inside a specific

discipline and efficient data flow

within different disciplines in a

multidisciplinary design process;

• Excellent communication in the

whole project team;

• Efficient and arranged data

sharing at the right moment of

the design process.

It is possible to achieve the

prerequisite mentioned above

only with the BIM workflow

automatization, both inside the

discipline in a project and data

sharing in a multidisciplinary

design process. I am going to

write about the BIM workflow

automatization in the few

following articles.

BIM Implementation

From The Investor


I often hear opinions that it is

effortless to cover this topic

because each of us finds

ourselves in the role of investor

several dozen times every day.

By definition, when you buy

goods, it is in the interest of the

buyer of the goods or services to

obtain the highest quality

product and to pay as little

money as possible for that

product. There is, however, a

problem with placing investors in

the project in an appropriate


If the investor is not BIM

educated, he will very often be

satisfied with a project printed in

a paper, most commonly A0 and

with the different calculations,

that he would pass to the

contractor to build a building

which is a subject of the


The not BIM educated investor is

going to be satisfied by delivering

a project in paper format and by

building construction.

The problem is that he will not

even be aware that such a project

format would cost him much

more than a BIM project, and

there are many reasons for this. I

am going to state some of the


• Inadequate coordination

between disciplines in a project,

which means more construction

site issues, more construction

delays and very often need for

“additional works” which makes

construction financially difficult

for the investor;

• Impossibility of building’s

lifecycle simulation;

• Impossibility of calculating

facility operational use expenses;

• Impossibility of giving or selling

the digital model to the facility

manager, who is going to use that

building for maintenance

JAN 2021




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