TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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• Using sensors in an already

constructed building,

temperature measurements were

performed in each room during a

one month period. After data

transfer via the "Internet of

Things" and processing of the

obtained data, the average

temperature in each room was

obtained during a predefined

time interval. The obtained data

indicated that the average

temperature in some rooms

deviated from the expected

values predicted by the project. In

this case, the lower temperature

than predicted in the project was

an obstacle for the tenant of the

business space to achieve full

comfort. To more easily present

the measured data, the data

obtained from the sensors were

visualized in a digital twin model

using the Power BI data

visualization program.

• Using sensors on the bridge,

vibration data was collected

during regular traffic. According

to the project documentation

made following the norms from

1975, the bridge needed to be

reconstructed. The client turned

to us to check whether it is

possible to postpone the

reconstruction of the bridge for

some time if the current norms

are respected. Instead of the

classical approach, where we

would do static calculations

according to existing norms,

sensor data and measured

vibrations showed that, with

minimal interventions where only

one sensor showed higher

vibrations than the prescribed

norms, it is possible to postpone

bridge reconstruction for at least

seven years. If we take into

account that the bridge is located

near the port, which has very

intensive ship traffic, the client is

provided with great savings,

because it was not necessary to

close the port during the

two-month minimum works on

the reconstruction of the bridge.

I hope that based on the previous

examples you saw the need to

visualize the data in the digital

twin model in the simplest

possible way and that the whole

point in the story about the data

in the digital twin model is that

each participant in the project

process easily and simply

understands data through a

maximally simplified

representation using the various

visualization software solutions

available to us today.

How To Turn The

Data In The Digital

Twin Model Into

Concrete Savings?

We have come a long way in

being able to turn the data in the

digital twin model into concrete

savings for the client.

First, it was necessary to generate

relevant data, then process them

in a valid way and finally visualize

them in a way that is easily

understood by the client.

In the case of buildings that are

now the subject of the project

and that are done according to

current standards, the best

advice is to do periodic

simulations in digital twin models

during the project process.

Today, the biggest problem are

buildings that were already built

in the middle and end of the last


What should be especially kept in

mind is the fact that the price of

energy has jumped enormously

in the last couple of decades,

which makes older buildings very

energy inefficient.

Most often, energy efficiency is

the main reason for investing in

constructed buildings.

The technology of digital twins

and the application of digital

simulation tools provides us with

great opportunities to achieve

significant savings for the client

by improving the energy

efficiency of constructed facilities.

Estimates based on previous

experience are that without any

investment in the purchase of

new equipment in the building,

i.e. only by optimizing the turning

the heating on and off, cooling,

water heating, lighting, etc., the

minimum savings that an

investor or tenant can achieve is

5% of the energy price which the

investor or tenant pays without

JAN 2021




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