TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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involves their exchange between

different designers of disciplines

in a certain time interval, defined

by BEP (BIM Execution Plan), in a

way enables an orderly exchange

of information and data between

the participants in the project.

talk about the BIM project

process, we usually have the case

that the participants in the

project process are the designers

of the discipline, the contractor,

the investor and the legal entity

engaged in the maintenance of

the constructed building. Their

view of the BIM project process,

as well as the transformation of

the BIM model into a digital twin

model, and the availability of data

and information in the digital

twin model are very different.

Therefore, I think it would be

good to consider each of the

mentioned views below:

• Data Storage And Availability

From The Designer’s Perspective

• Data Storage And Availability

From The Contractor’s


• Data Storage And Availability

From The Investor’s Perspective

• Data Storage And Availability

From The Facility Manager’s


• How does the cloud solution

help with data storage and


• How does the Autodesk Forge

platform help with data storage

and availability?

Data Storage And

Availability From The



In digital twin technology, similar

to the BIM workflow, data can be

viewed in two ways. When we

consider data in the BIM model

or in the digital twin model, it can

be intended for different

calculations within the project of

a certain discipline, then for

different simulations and

predictions of how certain digital

objects will behave in the real

world, etc.

But, we must not lose sight of the

fact that the BIM model or the

digital twin model must also be

intended for exchange with other

disciplines in the project. So how

do you best place them in the

BIM model or in the digital twin

model and make them available

to all participants in the project


The current traditional approach

of exchanging BIM models or

digital twin models, which

However, a major problem in

such an approach to the project

process is that changes made by

a particular discipline in its BIM

model or digital twin model are

not available to all project

participants at the time they are


This further implies that it is

possible for an architect, for

example, to make certain

changes in his BIM model, to

even inform other participants in

the project, but that these

changes may be visible in the BIM

model or digital twin model only

in a few days, when all

participants in the project

process exchange their models

and data in them.

I have found myself countless

times in a situation where my

project team was informed that

certain changes would occur in

the BIM model or the digital twin

model, which created big

problems for us in terms of

disrupting the design dynamics of

the discipline I was part of and

questions whether to continue

designing until an updated BIM

model or digital twin model


When we talk about the problem

of storage and availability of data

in BIM models of all participants

in the BIM project process, cloud

084 TeamCAD BIM

JAN 2021

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