TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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Is The Chapter On

The Lod Of The Bim

Elements Sufficient

To Ensure Efficient

Coordination Of The

Bim Model And The

Exchange Of Data

From All Participants

In The Bim Project


The answer to this question is

short and simple - no.

Although the chapter on the

LOD of BIM elements can serve

as a very good starting point for

effective coordination of the

BIM model and the exchange of

data of all participants in the

BIM project process, the

process of BIM workflow

coordination between

disciplines, as well as the data

exchange between participants

in the BIM project process

belongs much more to the BEP

addition called "BIM Modeling


This document describes in

detail the way and techniques

of BIM modeling of each

discipline, BIM workflows for

automated and optimized data

exchange between disciplines,

the process of BIM

multidisciplinary coordination,

ways of data visualization, etc.

article on LOD - Level of detail

of BIM elements. The level of

detail of BIM elements is an

integral part of BEP, which

further clarifies the required

LOD of BIM elements, both

graphical, parameters and data.

The BIM element detail levels

are usually defined from LOD

100 to LOD 500

It is common for the LOD of the

BIM element to match the

project phase in which it is

generated, but this rule may not

always apply.

The most common discrepancies

in this regard are with the FM

and digital twin models.

The LOD of BIM elements is an

excellent starting point in

defining and coordinating the

BIM model of disciplines, both

graphically and in terms of a

framework for coordinating and

exchanging data of all

participants in the BIM project


However, the LOD of the BIM

elements does not fully regulate

the multidisciplinary BIM

workflow, but rather it is

governed in the best way by the

"BIM Modeling Convention", of

which I will provide much more

information in the following


I would also like to conclude

this article "What Is LOD - The

Level Of Detail Of BIM

Elements?" and my understanding

of how it can assist the

investor in all phases of the

project process through optimization

and automation of the

BIM project process, optimization

of multidisciplinary coordination

and improved implementation

of the BIM project


I would also like to take this

opportunity to announce my

next article, „The BIM Modeling


Until next time,

Predrag Jovanović

At the very end of the article, I

would like to give a brief

recapitulation related to the

056 TeamCAD BIM

JAN 2021

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