TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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• parameters - data on the

materials of the elements sufficient

to produce the as built

project, FM model and digital


Do The Graphic

Level Of Detail Of

Bim Elements And

Level Of Detail Of

Data Have To


The answer to this question may

be a conditional yes.

Namely, in practice, I often

encountered different requirements

in terms of the LOD of BIM

elements which were not strictly

following the typical requirements

of the project phase ie.

according to the brief overview

given in the previous chapter of

the article - comparing the BIM

element level of detail from LOD

100 to LOD 500.

To tickle your imagination, I am

going to give you a typical

example that completely deviates

from the schedule view of the

LOD 500 of BIM elements during

the various phases of the project.

Take elevator geometry and

elevator data, for example. In the

FM model and the digital twin

model of a constructed building,

for example, the elevator can be

presented geometrically as a

simple prism, while in terms of

parameters and data it must be

presented in much more detail.

Elevator data in the FM model

and digital twin model must

provide information about who

the elevator manufacturer is,

what material the elevator was

made of in the BIM model, when

the previous elevator service was,

when the next elevator service is,

how many people can fit in the

elevator, cable data and other

details related to elevator

lifecycle monitoring, etc.

After this very simple example

regarding the LOD requirements

of the BIM element related to the

elevator in the FM phase of the

project or the digital twin model, I

think it is clear to you why I

initially answered the question as

a conditional yes.

In this regard, I hope you

understand that LOD 200 or LOD

300 is sufficient for the graphic

requirements of the elevator,

while the LOD 500 is required for

parameters and data for the FM

model or the digital twin model

to fulfill all requirements for an

adequate LOD of the BIM


How To Verify The

Implementation Of

Bim Element Lod?

The most logical answer to this

question is that the investor

should verify that all

requirements related to the LOD

of BIM elements in the BIM

project process have been met.

The simplest way for an investor

to do this is to hire an experienced

BIM Manager or BIM Consultant,

who would check, in the interest

of the investor, the degree of

implementation of the BIM

element LOD in the BIM discipline


To avoid any complications and

to identify any shortcomings in

the BIM discipline models on

time, it is best to organize

periodic virtual multidisciplinary

BIM meetings, where a mutual

review of all BIM discipline

models is conducted.

Such a process would prevent

any problems in reaching the

required LOD of BIM elements in

the BIM model of any discipline

and would give sufficient time to

all project participants to remedy

any deficiencies if they were

noticed at any time during the

BIM project process.

JAN 2021




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