TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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compensated by an investor

hiring a BIM Manager or BIM

Consultant. herefore, it is very

useful for all participants in the

BIM project process - including

designers of different disciplines,

contractor and investor - to work

in a cloud-based project

environment where there is no

upload of updated BIM discipline

models. In a cloud-based project

environment, BIM discipline

models remain virtually in the

cloud all the time and are

updated in real-time, and BIM

models can be considered "alive".

This means that every change in

the BIM model made by the

participants in the project is

reflected in the BIM model of

discipline in the cloud. This

provides maximum transparency

to all participants in the BIM

project process and helps to

identify multidisciplinary

problems in the project process

faster and to solve them in the

early project stages.

It is not my intention to give a

final judgment or impose my own

opinion, but after really many

projects in different cloud

common project environments,

my opinion is that the BIM 360

provides the best opportunities

for permanent coordination

between different BIM discipline

models in the BIM project

process, because all changes are

visible after the data in the BIM

discipline model is synchronized.

Such a BIM workflow enables the

investor or his BIM Consultant to

constantly monitor the progress

of the project and the level of

compatibility of the BIM model

disciplines at any point in the

project process. At the very end

of the article, I would like to make

a summary of everything I have

outlined in the article.

BEP is a necessary document for

the successful implementation of

BIM technology on a project

where the investor places a BIM

claim on the project participants.

It is logical that BEP development

is the responsibility of the

investor, as he pays for all project

life cycle costs - from the

conceptual design to the as built

project. Depending on the

experience of the BIM Manager

or BIM Consultant hired by the

investor to design the BEP and

oversee the implementation of

the requirements contained in

the BEP, the investor himself can

make significant savings at all

stages of the project process.

In the end, it is possible to have a

BIM as built model with

installations - a future digital twin

of the facility, which he can hand

over or sell to a future facility

user to track the life cycle cost of

the facility and the equipment

built into it. If an investor is also a

future user of a facility, creating a

BEP by the investor, by hiring a

BIM Manager or BIM Consultant

and overseeing the

implementation of the

requirements contained in it,

seems like the only logical option.

I would like to conclude with an

article on "What Is BEP And What

Should It Contain?" and my view

of how it can help an investor in

many areas by optimizing costs

and achieving better

functionality, both for facilities

that are not made or built and for

facilities that are built.

Until next time,

Predrag Jovanovic



JAN 2021

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