TeamCAD BIM eBook v2 ENG

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.

Read a special TeamCAD eBook edition covering BIM & Digital Twins recent articles by our BIM associate Mr. Predrag Jovanović. --- Pročitajte specijalni TeamCAD eBook na temu BIM i digitalnih blizanaca našeg specijalnog BIM saradnika Predraga Jovanovića.


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problems related to fluid

behavior in liquid and gaseous

state. CFD analysis has a very

wide application including forces

and moments on various digital

models, pressure in pipes caused

by substances in liquid and

gaseous state that are in the

pipes, explosion analysis,

simulation of motion and flow of

different types of particles,

temperature action, weather

simulation, the behavior of digital

models in the air tunnel, etc.

• Dynamo and Python are digital

tools that are explained in detail

in the article "BIM Workflow

Automation". Here I would like to

avoid a more detailed description

of Dynamo and Python as digital

tools which, in addition to

automating the BIM project

process, have great application in

data processing in digital twin

models. If you want more

information about Dynamo and

Python, please select this link.

• Machine learning is a digital tool

that is defined as a sub-area of

artificial intelligence. Machine

learning is based on learning a

machine based on experience

and imitation of human actions in

certain repetitive circumstances.

Simply put, machine learning is

based on observing the actions

that a person performs when he

encounters a certain typical

problem. After a certain number

of repetitions, the program that

"monitors a person" learns and

adopts the algorithm of human

behavior and takes over the

execution of the same operation

that he learned by "monitoring a


Given that artificial intelligence is

still not able to make very

complex decisions and see the

problems that arise with data

generated by different

simulations, I think we still can

not talk about the massive and

implied use of artificial

intelligence as a digital tool for

process simulation in digital


How To

Visualize Data

Most Efficiently?

After we have collected relevant

data, then processed them and

obtained parameters from

various calculations and results

that can help us optimize the

digital twin model, there is a need

to visualize the obtained data in a

clear and acceptable and

understandable way. It should be

borne in mind that, when we act

from the perspective of the

service provider to the client, we

must take into account that the

information we provide to the

client at meetings, where to

decide on certain changes in the

project or built facility, is easy to

understand. It often happened to

me to present data at the

meeting which, although relevant

and that would bring savings to

the client, would not be accepted

because I did not format them in

a way that is easily understood by

the client, who does not

necessarily have to be of

engineering or technical

profession. That is why, in my

opinion, data visualization is just

as important as the accuracy of

data generated by different

methodologies, because the data

must be as simple to understand

as possible.

I will give you a couple of


• During the preparation for the

meeting with the client, it was

necessary to prepare and present

data on the physical

characteristics of steel beams in

the platform model. It was

necessary to give the profile of

the steel beam, the upper

elevation of the steel beams, and

show the client all steel beams

longer than 6.0 m due to the

specific transport requirements

and the limited space for the

construction of the steel

platform. The required data

would traditionally be presented

using multiple drawings. It would

be necessary to mark the upper

elevation of each steel beam, to

tag each steel beam and

dimension the drawing of steel

beams to present the required

data in an appropriate traditional

way. But why not do something

like this - directly from the Revit

model without any drawings,

doesn't the construction model

look simpler and easier to


072 TeamCAD BIM

JAN 2021

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