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they became; however, they originate from the thought which first knew them.<br />

(82.10-24) 7<br />

Of course the qualities of deceit and arrogance well accord with Seth’s “trickster”<br />

characteristic.<br />

In the Valentinian myth, following the “extension” of Sophia. The aeon finds<br />

herself cut off from the pleroma, surrounded by her formless abortion. The<br />

androgynous aeon Horus establishes a limit, so as to establish a wall against the threat<br />

of disorder, afterwhich Sophia repents and is redeemed. In the main Heliopolitan<br />

Egyptian myth, Isis raises Horus in solitude in the inhospitable marshes of Khemmis.<br />

Horus, unlike the gods before him, is destined not to have a female consort; in the<br />

Valentinian myth this is also the case.<br />

We have elsewhere in so-called Valentinian thought, the scenario of a divine<br />

figure declining her partner, resulting in infecundity or abortion. The Gnostic Norea,<br />

also known as Nuraita and Nhuraita, is presented as the wife-sister of Seth 8<br />

, and this<br />

would appear to derive in part from the Egyptian goddess, Nephthys, or sometimes<br />

Neith, wife-sister of Seth. While in the Egyptian myth Nephthys is distanced from the<br />

disruptive activities of Seth and their syzygy is never holistically incorporated into the<br />

ennead, Gnostic inversion redeems Norea and Seth, and they can be seen to function<br />

together as purveyors of gnosis. Be that as it may, all of the disruptive features that<br />

operate in the Gnostic theogony can be traced back to the fundamental principles<br />

contained in Seth, one of infecundity, incompletion, prematurity, and abortiveness. 9<br />

A further sexual parallel is to be found in Seth’s homosexual act, one which<br />

“threatens to change the cosmos into chaos”. 10<br />

Sophia’s sexual deviance manifests<br />

Seth’s dynamic as “an enemy of boundaries” 11<br />

; Horus establishes the boundary and<br />

she comes to realise this “Sethian excess” in herself. Her clash with the pleroma is the<br />

archetypal conflict between Horus and Seth.<br />

The Gnostic Gospel of the Egyptians (NHC III,2 and IV,2) depicts an<br />

equivocal Seth figure who represents a fusion between the Egyptian Seth and the son<br />

of Adam. 12<br />

The text is a hash of redactive layers that are difficult to delimit; certainly<br />

the Christian elements are a later addition and the pre-Christian elements of the text<br />

are cautiously viewed by F. Wisse and A. Böhlig as being “considerably older” than<br />

their provisional 2nd or 3rd century compilation date. 13<br />

At a number of junctures the<br />

7<br />

Coptic transcription from NHS, vol. XXII, 242.<br />

8<br />

See Birger A. Pearson, “Revisiting Norea,” in Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism, 265,<br />

for a useful study of this figure, although the Egyptian connection is entirely overlooked.<br />

9<br />

Ugo Bianchi, “Seth, Osiris, et l’ethnographie,” Selected Essays on Gnosticism, Dualism, and<br />

Mysteriosophy (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978), 127.<br />

10<br />

te Velde, Seth, God of Confusion, 43.<br />

11<br />

Ibid., 56.<br />

12<br />

A point made by Frederick Wisse and Alexander Böhlig, in Nag Hammadi Codices III, 2<br />

and IV, 2: The Gospel of the Egyptians (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1975), 35. The possible Egyptian<br />

provenence of the piece is also noted (36) .<br />

13<br />

NHS, vol. IV, 38.

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