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sin in sinlessness”. This is made clearer in the peroration of the text wherein the<br />

speaker awaits those who go through so-called “libertinisms and condemned<br />

passions” (21.23-24) 64<br />

. The “delightful forms which exist in numerous sins” (21.21-<br />

22) 65<br />

, deconstructs the whole notion of “sin”. The qualities of antinomianism, which I<br />

have posited as existing in meta-rhetoric, are also evident in the “negative” side of a<br />

number of oxymorons used to illustrate the paradoxical nature of the speaker; for<br />

example, “shameless, “anarchy”, “godless”, “foreigner”, “unrestraint”, “sin”, and<br />

“lust” are proclaimed by her as being part of her disposition. It might be said here that<br />

there is an ethical realm of sexuality, but that there is also a higher amoral equivalent.<br />

This work clearly demonstrates its concern with paradox and language. It is<br />

also evident that the work self-consciously strives to transcend all dichotomy, and this<br />

is accomplished not by looking at dichotomy as an external reality, but in viewing it<br />

as existing within the duplicities of language, and therefore within the speaker herself<br />

who presents herself, in effect, as Rhetoric incarnate. The relentless insertion of<br />

paradoxical statements is obviously designed to make something “unexpected”<br />

happen in the reader. 66<br />

This something might be said to be the elicitation of an<br />

uncanny identification with the speaker who is “the word of many aspects”. Behind<br />

the ironic awareness of her own persuasiveness, behind the blandishments of<br />

rhetorical seduction with its wilfully alembicated welter of paradoxical terms, lies the<br />

enigma of a rhetorical personality 67<br />

– this alone vaults Intelligibility onto the metarhetorical<br />

level; as such, the purpose underlying the antimonies of these verbal<br />

posturings uses the archetype of pure persuasion as a means, not as an end or<br />

obsession in itself – an ethical tautness in this confession saves it from such a fall. In<br />

the Burkean sense the work is not theological, but logological, in its focus:<br />

64<br />

Ibid., 252.<br />

65<br />

Ibid., 252.<br />

66<br />

A number of oxymoronic pairs of qualities can be listed. These are used in the text following<br />

“I am...”:<br />

first/last whore/holy one<br />

Gnosis/Ignorance reticence/loquaciousness<br />

shameless/modest assurance/fear<br />

war/peace poverty/wealth<br />

merciful/cruel foolish/wise<br />

hated/loved Life/Death<br />

Law/Anarchy scattered/collected<br />

godless/god (“fearing”) praised/despised<br />

foreigner/citizen substance/without substance<br />

restraint/unrestraint harmony/dissolution<br />

sin/sinless lust/abstinence<br />

the one who cries out/the one who listens<br />

67<br />

Patricia Cox Miller, “In Praise of Nonsense,” in Classic Mediterranean Spirituality, ed.,<br />

A.H. Armstrong (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1986), 482: “Like Plotinus, Perfect<br />

Mind knows that her thundering riddles are the echoes of her reality in words, and it is those<br />

words that give her mystery a place in which to dwell in human consciousness... She<br />

identifies herself not only with the paradoxical images of language but with language itself.<br />

Perhaps the ultimate revelation is that this goddess is the very process of speaking that she<br />

uses to characterise herself.

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