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Gomphus vulgatissinius (Linnaeus) Club-tailed dragonfly<br />

Description G. vulgatissimus is a medium-size dragonfly in which the coloration is black with areas of<br />

Habitat<br />

Status and distribution<br />

European and<br />

world distribution<br />

pale lime-green and yellow It bears a superficial resemblance, amongst British<br />

dragonflies, to Cordulegaster boltonn but is much smaller and the pattern of pale<br />

markings is quite different. G. vulgatissimus differs from all other British Anisoptera in<br />

that its pale greenish eyes are not contiguous dorsally In both sexes, the thorax and<br />

anterior segments of the abdomen are extensively marked with pale lime-green to<br />

yellow markings. The posterior abdominal segments are not so heavily marked dorsally,<br />

but do possess a bright yellow mark laterally on each of the expanded segments 8 and<br />

9, which is very distinctive. This lateral expansion, especially noticeable in males, gives<br />

the body a clubbed appearance — hence the vernacular name.<br />

G. vulgatissimus breeds in unpolluted rivers of moderate to slow flow, the depositional<br />

nature of which provides the silt or mud in which the larvae live. On the continent, G.<br />

vulgatissimus breeds also in static water of ponds and lakes, and Kemp (1988) records<br />

an example of this in Shropshire.<br />

Breeding biology There is some doubt about the extent to which G. vulgatissimus is territorial. Mating can<br />

take place far away from water (Moore 1991b). On the River Severn, it exhibits a<br />

preference for sheltered 'mill-pond'-like stretches of river where the water is slow<br />

flowing and in close proximity to woodland or scrub (Kemp & Vick 1983). During<br />

oviposition, the females fly very low over these quieter reaches of river, unaccompanied<br />

by males, and drop their eggs into the water while in flight, sometimes just touching the<br />

surface with the tip of their abdomens. The larvae live in the bottom silt and mud, and<br />

probably take three or more years to develop. G. vulgatissiMus is a spring species with<br />

a synchronous emergence. As a result, its presence on a river can often be noted<br />

because of the numerous exuviae on riverside herbage, the trunks of trees or directly<br />

on the soil of the river's bank. Unlike other Anisoptera, they can emerge in a horizontal<br />

position. Locating exuviae is most easily accomplished in areas of river that flow<br />

through pasture rather than arable land. This is because the cattle trample the bankside<br />

vegetation while drinldng, thus creating open sandy areas over which the larvae crawl to<br />

emerge on the bank or amongst the loose vegetation. Dispersal is invariably away from<br />

the river, and adults can be seen flying in woodland rides or along hedgerows several<br />

kilometres from the river.<br />

Flight periods G. vulgatissimus has a short flying season from mid-May to early July. It is commonly<br />

found with Platycnemis pennipes and Calopteryx splendens.<br />

G. vulgatissimus is confined to seven river systems in southern Britain, namely: the<br />

Rivers Thames, Arun, Dee, Severn, Wye, Tywi, and Teifi and their tributaries. It formerly<br />

bred on several rivers in the New Forest area including the River Oberwater and the<br />

Moors River, but has not been seen there since 1970. A male and a female, now in the<br />

<strong>Natural</strong> History Museum, London, were captured at Castor Hanglands, Cambridgeshire,<br />

on 1 June 1951, but a search of the nearby River Nene has not so far proved successful.<br />

Several G. vulgatissimus were seen, and one taken, in June 1939 at an unnamed location<br />

about a mile from the River Darent in Kent (Longfleld 1949b). G. vulgatissimus has not<br />

been recorded authentically from Ireland. However, a specimen marked as Irish exists<br />

in the Trinity College Museum, Dublin (King & Halbert 1910). According to King and<br />

Halbert, this was probably taken by Miss Ball (a celebrated Irish entomologist of the<br />

early 19th century) who had no doubt that the species occurred in Ireland. They<br />

speculate that the specimen may have come from the Youghal district in the south,<br />

where Miss Ball spent some time collecting dragonflies. Certainly, the River Blackwater<br />

near Youghal looks suitable for this species, which can easily be overlooked. G.<br />

vulgatissimus is vulnerable to pollution, and to the increased use of rivers by pleasure<br />

boats, the wash from which can dislodge and drown large numbers of emerging adults<br />

in May<br />

On the continent, it occurs in many central and northern countries from France and<br />

northern Italy to southern Scandinavia and east to Russia. It is scarce in the<br />

Mediterranean region.<br />


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