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Table 2. Number of records, and 10 lcrn squares, for each species, also expressed as a percentage of the total 10 km squares<br />

with records. These data comprise the combined figures for Britain Ireland and the Channel Islands<br />

% total<br />

Species Records Squares square_s<br />

Aeshna affinis 1 1 0.03<br />

Aeshna caerulea 157 57 1.80<br />

Aeshna cyanea 4092 1007 31.88<br />

Aeshna grandis 4942 899 28.46<br />

Aeshna isosceles 147 14 0.44<br />

Aeshna juncea 3762 1194 37.80<br />

Aeshna mixta 2209 597 18.90<br />

Anax imperator 2769 638 20.20<br />

Brachytron pratense 1134 332 10.51<br />

Calopteryx splendens 3553 862 27.29<br />

Calopteryx virgo 2638 645 20.42<br />

Ceriagrion tenellum 989 102 3.23<br />

Coenagnon armatum 11 2 0.06<br />

Coenagnon hastulaturn 72 8 0.25<br />

Coenagrion lunulatum 84 33 1.04<br />

Coenagrion mercuriale 376 32 1.01<br />

Coenagrion puella 8085 1453 46.00<br />

Coenagrion pulchellum 1277 439 13.90<br />

Coenagrion scitulum 18 5 0.16<br />

Cordulegaster boltonii 3434 845 26.75<br />

Cordulia aenea 758 136 4.31<br />

Crocothemis erythraea 2 1 0.03<br />

Enallagma cyathigerum 11030 2156 68.25<br />

Erythrornma najas 1275 323 10.22<br />

Gomphus flavipes 1 1 0.03<br />

Gomphus vulgatissimus 342 79 2.50<br />

Hernianax ephippiger 10 9 0.28<br />

lschnura elegans 13153 2121 67.14<br />

lschnura 618 165 5.22<br />

Lestes barbarus 4 3 0.09<br />

Lestes dryas 189 64 2.03<br />

Lestes sponsa 4869 1284 40.65<br />

Lestes viridis 10 5 0.16<br />

Leucorrhinia dubia 300 49 1.55<br />

Libellula depressa 3027 777 24.60<br />

Libellula fulva 255 42 1.33<br />

Libellula guadrimaculata 4505 1204 38.11<br />

Orthetrum cancellatum 1650 421 13.33<br />

Orthetrum coerulescens 1659 276 8.74<br />

Oxygastra curtisii 31 2 0.06<br />

Pantala flavescens 2 2 0.06<br />

Platycnemis pennipes 831 203 6.43<br />

Pyrrhosoma nymphula 9663 1976 62.55<br />

Somatochlora arctica 174 48 1.52<br />

Sornatochlora metallica 271 43 1.36<br />

Sympecma fusca 1 1 0.03<br />

Sympetrum danae 3246 873 27.64<br />

Sympetrum flaveolum 185 98 3.10<br />

Sympetrum fonscolombil 110 56 1.77<br />

Sympetrum mendionale 1 1 0.03<br />

Sympetrum sanguineum 1710 528 16.71<br />

Sympetrum stnolatum/nigrescens 9160 1696 53.69<br />

Sympetrum vulgatum 9 9 0.28<br />


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