Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior (vol

Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior (vol

Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior (vol


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INDEX Vol. 1: pp. 1–474; Vol. 2: pp. 475–946<br />

Barbiturates—(Continued)<br />

derivatives (See specific derivatives, e.g.,<br />

Barbital)<br />

drug interactions <strong>and</strong>, 439<br />

GABA <strong>and</strong>, 161<br />

vs. glutethimide, 579<br />

iatrogenic addiction <strong>and</strong>, 900–901<br />

oxidation <strong>of</strong>, 447<br />

for polydrug withdrawal, 1195–1196<br />

types <strong>of</strong>, 161<br />

WHO <strong>and</strong>, 1366<br />

withdrawal from (See Withdrawal, from<br />

barbiturates)<br />

Barco, Vergilio, 285–286<br />

Barley, 165<br />

Bartels, John R., Jr., 1296<br />

Barton, Bill, 837<br />

Barton, Pat, 837<br />

Bassin, Alex, 1135<br />

Baudelaire, Charles, 592–593<br />

Bayer Corp., 594, 815<br />

Beacon House, 68<br />

Beatles (Group), 378<br />

Becker, Hortense Koller, 549<br />

Beecher, Henry, 980–981<br />

Beer, 164–167, 406–407. See also <strong>Alcohol</strong><br />

advertising <strong>and</strong>, 39, 40, 41<br />

brewing capacity, 166<br />

brewing companies, 166<br />

consumption, 166<br />

hops introduction, 79<br />

Beer Institute, 41<br />

Beers, Clifford, 1120<br />

<strong>Behavior</strong><br />

abuse liability testing <strong>and</strong>, 6, 988–990<br />

ADHD <strong>and</strong>, 154<br />

alcohol effects on, 861, 940–941<br />

amphetamine effects on, 112–113, 224<br />

assessment <strong>of</strong> impaired, 939–940<br />

barbiturate effects on, 160<br />

caffeine effects on, 210, 211, 212–213<br />

children (See Children, behavior <strong>and</strong> later<br />

substance abuse)<br />

cocaine effects on, 224–225, 270–271<br />

compulsive (See Compulsions)<br />

conditioned (See Conditioning)<br />

craving <strong>and</strong>, 355, 356–357<br />

disease concept <strong>and</strong>, 403<br />

environmental effects on, 994–995,<br />

998–999<br />

excessive (See Excessive behaviors)<br />

expectancies <strong>and</strong>, 512–514<br />

high-risk (See High-risk behaviors)<br />

limbic system <strong>and</strong>, 687–689<br />

methylphenidate effects on, 725<br />

motivation <strong>and</strong> (See Motivation)<br />

nicotine effects on, 786–787<br />

observational studies <strong>and</strong>, 976<br />

opioids effects on, 227<br />

pain <strong>and</strong>, 828<br />

past events <strong>and</strong>, 999–1000<br />

phencyclidine effects on, 866, 869<br />

reinforcement <strong>and</strong>, 952–954, 1002–1005,<br />

1005<br />

repetitive stereotyped (See Repetitive<br />

stereotyped behavior)<br />

research on drugs <strong>and</strong>, 974–980<br />

BAC <strong>and</strong>, 977<br />

dose-response relationship, 975<br />

schedule-controlled (See Schedulecontrolled<br />

behavior)<br />

sexual (See Sexual behavior)<br />

telescoping substance abuse, 1357<br />

<strong>Behavior</strong> therapy, 168–170, 238, 1217,<br />

1225–1227. See also Conditioning<br />

for ADHD, 156–157<br />

for alcoholism, 1141–1143, 1146–1148<br />

for cocaine addiction, 1162–1168<br />

cognitive (See Cognitive-behavior therapy)<br />

expectancies <strong>and</strong>, 513<br />

for families, 1237–1238<br />

for tobacco addiction, 1205–1207,<br />

1208–1211, 1350<br />

<strong>Behavior</strong>al addictions, 1048. See also specific<br />

behaviors, e.g., Gambling addiction<br />

<strong>Behavior</strong>al economics, 167–170<br />

<strong>Behavior</strong>al modification. See <strong>Behavior</strong><br />

therapy<br />

<strong>Behavior</strong>al tolerance, 112–113, 170–171<br />

Beliefs. See Expectancies; Values <strong>and</strong> beliefs<br />

Belize<br />

as cannabis source, 1054<br />

crop control in, 375<br />

Belladonna, 587<br />

Bellamy, Edward, 1119<br />

Belushi, John, 435<br />

Benadryl. See Diphenhydramine<br />

Benezet, Anthony, 1077<br />

Bennett, James V., 275<br />

Bennett, William J.<br />

ONDCP <strong>and</strong>, 1281, 1286, 1297–1298<br />

treatment policy <strong>and</strong>, 887, 1128<br />

Benzedrine. See Amphetamines<br />

Benzene, 643<br />

Benzodiazepines, 171–178, 1020–1021<br />

with alcohol, 59, 941<br />

alcohol-related aggression <strong>and</strong>, 53<br />

for alcoholism, 1251–1252, 1342<br />

as barbiturate replacement, 159, 160,<br />

163–164<br />

for barbiturate withdrawal, 163<br />

chemical structure <strong>of</strong>, 172<br />

as chloral hydrate replacement, 255<br />

for cocaine addiction, 1254<br />

complications from, 178–182, 334<br />

derivatives (See specific derivatives, e.g.,<br />

Alprazolam)<br />

drug interactions <strong>and</strong>, 439<br />

as glutethimide replacement, 579<br />

iatrogenic addiction <strong>and</strong>, 620–621, 901<br />

imaging techniques <strong>and</strong>, 624–625<br />

memory <strong>and</strong>, 711<br />

for polydrug withdrawal, 1195–1196<br />

receptor interaction, 174<br />

types <strong>of</strong>, 173<br />

WHO <strong>and</strong>, 1366–1367<br />

withdrawal from, 175–176, 180–181,<br />

464, 1021, 1343–1345<br />

Benzoylecognine, 182, 182<br />

Benzoylecognine ethyl ester. See<br />

Cocaethylene<br />

Berson, Solomon A., 627<br />

Beta blockers. See Adrenergic betaantagonists<br />

Beta-carbolines, 174<br />

Beta-endorphins<br />

cocaine <strong>and</strong>, 301<br />

glucose metabolism <strong>and</strong>, 297<br />

memory <strong>and</strong>, 712<br />

Betancur, Belisario, 285<br />

Betel nut, 144, 182–185, 183<br />

Betty Ford Center, 1139<br />

Betz neurons, 775<br />

Beverage World International, 41, 166–167<br />

Bhang, 185. See also Cannabis sativa<br />

Bias, Len, 14, 493<br />

Bicuculline, 710, 711<br />

‘‘Big Book.’’ See The 12 Steps to Recovery<br />

Bill W.<br />

AA founding <strong>and</strong>, 90<br />

Al-Anon founding <strong>and</strong>, 64<br />

house <strong>of</strong>, 1266<br />

1828<br />

twelve steps <strong>and</strong>, 1213, 1261, 1264–1265<br />

Binding (Immunoassays), 626<br />

Binges<br />

<strong>of</strong> alcohol, 38, 957<br />

<strong>of</strong> cocaine, 224, 227, 267, 270, 1158<br />

<strong>of</strong> methamphetamines, 723<br />

Bioavailability, 846<br />

Biological causes <strong>of</strong> substance abuse,<br />

223–232, 226. See also Genetics<br />

brain structures <strong>and</strong>, 194–196, 195<br />

marijuana, 1188<br />

research on, 963–964<br />

Biological crop control, 374<br />

Biological determinism concept <strong>of</strong> substance<br />

abuse. See Disease concept <strong>of</strong><br />

substance abuse<br />

Biopsychosocial model, 401–402, 403–404<br />

<strong>of</strong> gambling addictions, 553–555<br />

mental hygiene movement <strong>and</strong>,<br />

1120–1121<br />

prevention programs <strong>and</strong>, 481<br />

<strong>of</strong> relapse, 955<br />

Bipolar disorder, 326–327<br />

Birth defects. See Pregnancy <strong>and</strong> substance<br />

abuse<br />

Birth order, 516–517<br />

Birth weight, 542, 899–900. See also Fetal<br />

development<br />

Black jack (Inhalant), 643<br />

Black market. See also Crime<br />

for amphetamines, 115, 116–119<br />

for anabolic steroids, 127<br />

in Britain, 199, 201–204, 598<br />

regulation <strong>and</strong>, 682, 880<br />

triplicate prescription <strong>and</strong>, 1267–1268<br />

Blackouts, from alcohol, 292–293, 319<br />

Bleuler, Eugen, 1015–1016<br />

Blinding (Clinical testing), 966<br />

Block grants, 1128<br />

for criminal justice, 217, 1113, 1273<br />

Reagan administration <strong>and</strong>, 1127<br />

for substance abuse, 1116<br />

Substance Abuse Prevention <strong>and</strong><br />

Treatment program, 1291<br />

for welfare, 1336<br />

Blood alcohol concentration, 188<br />

accidents <strong>and</strong>, 8–9, 419–420<br />

alcohol dehydrogenase <strong>and</strong>, 305<br />

body fat <strong>and</strong>, 859, 1321<br />

breath tests <strong>and</strong>, 197–198<br />

CNS depressant effects <strong>and</strong>, 70–71<br />

driving drunk <strong>and</strong>, 422, 470, 471, 939,<br />

975<br />

effects <strong>of</strong>, 187<br />

legal thresholds for, 186, 455<br />

measures <strong>of</strong>, 185–187, 858–859<br />

peak levels, 859<br />

pharmacokinetics <strong>of</strong>, 857, 858<br />

psychomotor skills <strong>and</strong>, 939, 940–941<br />

Blood-brain barrier <strong>and</strong> heroin, 594<br />

Blood drug testing, 454, 459<br />

Blood flow, cerebral. See Cerebral blood flow<br />

Bloods (Gang), 572<br />

BLS. See Bureau <strong>of</strong> Labor Statistics<br />

BNDD. See Bureau <strong>of</strong> Narcotics <strong>and</strong><br />

Dangerous <strong>Drugs</strong><br />

Body fat<br />

BAC <strong>and</strong>, 188, 859, 1321<br />

tobacco <strong>and</strong>, 339<br />

women’s substance abuse <strong>and</strong>, 1357<br />

Boggs Act <strong>of</strong> 1951, 132<br />

Bolivia, 188–190, 189, 545<br />

coca plant use in, 264, 266, 875<br />

as cocaine source, 655, 656, 656–657,<br />

658, 666, 1054<br />

crop control in, 375, 376

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