Informe Anual 2011 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2011 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2011 - CBI - UAM


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ALUMNOS GRADUADOS EN EL POSGRADO EN <strong>2011</strong>MAESTRIA1. Luis Gerardo Woolfolk Frias (J.A. de los Reyes Heredia)2. Leticia Velazquez Cuero (G. T. Lapidus)3. Victoria Eugenia Tamayo Guzman (T. Viveros Garcia)4. Israel Negrellos Ortiz (J. Alvarez Ramirez)5. Alfonso Talavera Lopez (S.A. Gomez Torres)6. Gamaliel Che Galicia (R.S. Ruiz Martinez)7. Patricia Sotelo Mazon (G. T. Lapidus)8. Jesus Andres Tavizon Pozos (J.A. de los Reyes H.)DOCTORADO1. Eliseo Hernandez Martinez (J. Alvarez Ramirez)2. Carlos Alberto Aguilar Madera (J.A. Ochoa Tapia)3. Oscar German Olvera Olmedo (J.A. Ochoa Tapia)PUBLICACIONES DONDE INTERVIENEN ALUMNOS DEL POSGRADO EN INGENIERIAQUIMICAARTÍCULOS ESPECIALIZADOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN REVISTASINTERNACIONALES1. Analysis of periodic operation of bioreactors from a first-harmonic balance approach.Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 50, <strong>2011</strong>, 1169-1176.Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Eliseo Hernandez-Martinez, Andrés Granados-Focil,Monica Meraz.2. On diffusion, dispersion and reaction in porous media. Chemical Engineering Science.66, <strong>2011</strong>, 2177-2190. F.J. Valdés-Parada, C.G. Aguilar-Madera, J. Alvarez-Ramirez.3. An Integral Formulation Approach for Numerical Solution of Tubular Reactors Models.International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 9 (<strong>2011</strong>). Eliseo Hernandez-Martinez, Francisco J. Valdes-Parada, Hector Puebla, Jose Alvarez-Ramirez.4. A Green’s function formulation of nonlocal finite-difference schemes for reactiondiffusionequations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 235 (<strong>2011</strong>)3096-3103.Eliseo Hernandez-Martinez, Francisco J. Valdes-Parada, Jose Alvarez-Ramirez.5. Fractal Analysis of Powder X-Ray Difracction Patterns. Physica A. Statistical Mechanicsand its Applications. A. Moreno, C. Santolalla, E. Ortiz, J.A. de los Reyes, J.J.Álvarez Ramírez.6. IN-LINE INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO SPHERICAL PARTICLES DUE TO A LAMINARWAKE EFFECT. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. ACEPTACION:<strong>2011</strong>/09/30. BAZ RODRÍGUEZ SERGIO, RAMÍREZ MUÑOZ JORGE, Alberto Soria.7. COMPRESSIBLE AND INCOMPRESSIBLE 1-D LINEAR WAVE PROPAGATIONASSESSMENT IN FAST FLUIDIZED BEDS. AICHE JOURNAL. PUBLICACION:<strong>2011</strong>/11/01. VOLUMEN: 57. NUMERO: 11. PAG. INICIAL: 2965. PAG. FINAL: 2976.SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ JOSÉ R. G., SALINAS RODRÍGUEZ ELIZABETH, Alberto Soria.8. Convective heat transfer in a channel partially filled with a porous medium.International Journal of Thermal Sciences. ACEPTACION: <strong>2011</strong>/03/08. PUBLICACION:<strong>2011</strong>/04/14. VOLUMEN: 50. PAG. INICIAL: 1355. PAG. FINAL: 1368. C. Aguilar-Madera, C.G., Valdés-Parada, F.J., Goyeau, B, J.A.Ochoa-Tapia.244

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