Informe Anual 2011 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2011 - CBI - UAM

Informe Anual 2011 - CBI - UAM


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13 J. Garcia, O. Marrufo, A. O. Rodriguez, P. Pibarot, L. Kadem. A New Index Measured byCardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Mechanical Heart Valve Malfunction.Proc. 33nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Boston, MA, p. 1347-1350,<strong>2011</strong>.14 F. Vazquez, O. Marrufo, R. Martin, A. O. Rodriguez. Signal-to-noise ratio improvementwith a dielectric periodical array, 28th Annual Meeting European Society For MagneticResonance in Medicine and Biology, p. 145, Leipzig, Alemania, <strong>2011</strong>.15 F. Vazquez, O. Marrufo, A. O. Rodriguez. Simple method for B1 mapping at 7 Tesla,28th Annual Meeting European Society For Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, p.143, Leipzig, Alemania, <strong>2011</strong>.16 R. Martin, J. Ortega-Legaspi, S. Solis-Najera, F. Pellicer, A. O. Rodriguez. Pain matrixactivation by denervation of the sciatic nerve: an fMRI study, 28th Annual Meeting EuropeanSociety For Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, p. 57, Leipzig, Alemania, <strong>2011</strong>.17 , Transceiver doublecrossed saddle for rodents at 2T, The Meeting of the International Society for MagneticResonance in Medicine, p. 1819, Montreal, Canada, <strong>2011</strong>.18 F. Vazquez, R. Martin, D. Flores, S. Solis, and A. O. Rodriguez, Numerical study of thewaveguide magnetic field via the principal mode for MRI at 3 T, The Meeting of theInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, p. 1908, Montreal, Canada, <strong>2011</strong>.19 F. Vazquez, R. Martin, S. Solis, and A. O. Rodriguez, Remote detection by MRI at 3Tusing a waveguide, The Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance inMedicine, p.1879, Montreal, Canada, <strong>2011</strong>.20 E Sacristan, E Tuzun, JA Winkler, AL Contreras, WE Cohn: In vivo performanceevaluation of the Innovamedica Pneumatic Ventricular Assist Device. Proc. 33nd AnnualInternational Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Boston, MA p. 1217-1220, <strong>2011</strong>.21 N Aguilar, M Cadena, E Sacristán, C Bravo, P Santillán and C Cárdenas: Lung waterassessment in isolated lung perfusion model via reactance monitoring. Proc. 33nd AnnualInternational Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, Boston, MA p. 47-50, <strong>2011</strong>.22 Beltrán G, Sacristán E, Cadena M: Estimación del cambio en volumen de líquidocorporal por mediciones de reactancia en pacientes en hemodiálisis. IV Congreso Colombianode Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Biomédica, Barranquilla, p. 1-4, <strong>2011</strong>.23 Moreno A, Valdés R, Jiménez L, Vallejo E: Detección de endocarditis infecciosamediante el procesamiento digital de imágenes SPECT/CT. Memorias del XII Simposio Mexicanoen Cirugía Asistida por Computadora y Procesamiento de Imágenes Médicas MEXCAS <strong>2011</strong>, D.F.p. 1-6, <strong>2011</strong>.24 Santos Díaz A, Moreno A, Valdés R, Jiménez L, Bialostowsky D: Evaluación de laseveridad en la asincronía de contracción cardiaca mediante análisis de imágenes de medicinanuclear. IFMBE Proc. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, La Habana, p. 1-4, <strong>2011</strong>.25 Garrido-Del Angel P, Bojorges-Valdez E, Yañez-Suárez O: SSVEP-based BCI control ofthe DASHER writing system. IEEE-EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering <strong>2011</strong>, Cancún,Mexico, pp. 446 – 44826 Gaitán-Ortiz R, Cornejo-Cruz JM, Yañez-Suárez O: Evoked Potentials SNR maximizationby PCA and genetic algorithms. IEEE-EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering <strong>2011</strong>, Cancún,Mexico, pp. 166-169.469

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