Rapport quadriennal 2002 - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l ...

Rapport quadriennal 2002 - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l ...

Rapport quadriennal 2002 - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l ...


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<strong>Rapport</strong> d’activité 1999-2001<br />

LAOG<br />

Detectors,, August 1, 2000, (eds. Iye Masanori & Moorwood Alan F.), SPIE 4008, p 999-1009 (2000).<br />

[C-127] Udry S., Mayor M., Delfosse X., Forveille T. & Perrier-Bellet C. "Towards orbital-element distributions for M-dwarf<br />

stars" in IAU Symposium 200, January 1, 2000, p 158P (2000).<br />

[C-128] Vastel C., Caux E., Ceccarelli C., Castets A., Gry C. & Baluteau J. P. "Large [OI]/[CO] ratios in cold molecular<br />

clouds towards W49N" in ISO beyond the peaks: The 2nd ISO workshop on analytical spectroscopy. Eds., November<br />

1, 2000, (eds. Salama A. et al.), ESA-SP 456, p 131 (2000).<br />

[C-129] Zins G., Lacombe F., Knudstrup J., Mouillet D., Rabaud D., Charton J., Marteau S., Ron<strong>de</strong>aux O. & Lefort B.<br />

"NAOS Computer Ai<strong>de</strong>d Control: an Optimized and Astronomer-Oriented Way of Controlling Large Adaptive Optics<br />

Systems" in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX, Hawaï, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 216 9, p 377 (2000).<br />

[C-130] Zins G., Lacombe F., Knudstrup J., Mouillet D., Rabaud D., Marteau S., Rousset-Riviere L., Ron<strong>de</strong>aux O.,<br />

Charton J. et al. "NAOS computer-ai<strong>de</strong>d control: an optimized and astronomer-oriented way of controlling large<br />

adaptive optics systems" in Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software, June 1, 2000, (ed. Lewis<br />

Hilton), SPIE 4009, p 395-401 (2000).<br />

2001<br />

[C-131] Berger J. P., Haguenauer P., Kern P., Perraut K., Malbet F., Schanen I., Severi M., Millan-Gabet R. & Traub W.<br />

"Integrated optics: first measurements of stars." in American Astronomical Society Meeting, May 1, 2001, 198, (2001).<br />

[C-132] Berio P. & Duvert G. "Future <strong>de</strong>velopments of ASPRO" in SF2A-2001: Semaine <strong>de</strong> l'Astrophysique Francaise, May 1,<br />

2001, (eds. D. Barret & F. Combes), p 13 (EDPS Conference Series, 2001).<br />

[C-133] Beuzit J.-L., Lagrange A.-M., Mouillet D., Chauvin G., Stadler E., Charton J. & Lacombe F. "AVES-IMCO: an<br />

adaptive optics visible spectrograph and imager/coronograph for NAOS" in SF2A-2001: Semaine <strong>de</strong> l'Astrophysique<br />

Francaise, May 1, 2001, (eds. D. Barret & F. Combes), p 15 (EDPS Conference Series, 2001).<br />

[C-134] Charton J., Stadler E., Beuzit J.-L., Kern P., Schwartz W., Margail J. & Puget P. "Micromachined <strong>de</strong>formable<br />

mirrors for adaptive optics" in Beyond Conventional Adaptive Optics, Venezia, May 2001, p 32 (2001).<br />

[C-135] Chelli A., Berio P., Cruzalebes P., Duvert G., Lucas R., Mourard D., Perrin G. & Thiebaud E. "The Mariotti Center<br />

(JMMC)" in SF2A-2001: Semaine <strong>de</strong> l'Astrophysique Francaise, Lyon, May 1, 2001, (eds. Barret D. & Combes F.), p 29<br />

(EDPS Conference Series, 2001).<br />

[C-136] Chelli A., Duvert G., Malbet F., Schmi<strong>de</strong>r F.-X. & Tatulli E. "Mo<strong>de</strong>lling the observables of an interferometer" in SF2A-<br />

2001: Semaine <strong>de</strong> l'Astrophysique Francaise, May 1, 2001, (eds. D. Barret & F. Combes), p 31 (EDPS Conference<br />

Series, 2001).<br />

[C-137] Delfosse X. & Forveille T. "Brown dwarfs and very low mass stars with DENIS" in SF2A-2001: Semaine <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Astrophysique Francaise, May 1, 2001, (eds. D. Barret & F. Combes), p 45 (EDPS Conference Series, 2001).<br />

[C-138] Désert F.-X. & the ARCHEOPS collaboration "ARCHEOPS: A CMB anisotropy balloon experiment with a broad range of<br />

angular scales" in Conference Submillimeter Space Astronomy: A Window on the Cold Universe, Toulouse, France,<br />

June 2001, (ed. Giard G.), (2001).<br />

[C-139] Duvert G. & Berio P. "ASPRO: A Software to PRepare Optical interferometry observations" in SF2A-2001: Semaine<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Astrophysique Francaise, May 1, 2001, (eds. D. Barret & F. Combes), p 50 (EDPS Conference Series, 2001).<br />

[C-140] Eislöffel J., Simon T., Close L. & Bouvier J. "Binarity in the Young Open Cluster &alpha; Persei (CD-ROM Directory:<br />

contribs/eisloff)" in ASP Conf. Ser. 223: 11th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun,<br />

January 1, 2001, 11, p 1404 (2001).<br />

[C-141] Fuentes-Carrera I., Rosado M., Amram P., Dultzin-Hacyan D., Bernal A., Salo H., Laurikainen E., Cruz-Gonzalez<br />

I. & Le Coarer E. "The Isolated Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 5426/27 (ARP 271)" in Revista Mexicana <strong>de</strong> Astronomia y<br />

Astrofisica Conference Series, March 1, 2001, 10, p 134 (2001).<br />

[C-142] Fuentes-Carrera I., Rosado M., Dultzin-Hacyan D., Bernal A., Cruz-Gonzalez I., Amram P., Salo H., Laurikainen<br />

E. & Le Coarer E. "The Isolated Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 5426/27 (Arp 271)" in Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies,<br />

January 1, 2001, ASP Conf. Ser. 230, p 463-464 (2001).<br />

[C-143] Fuentes-Carrera I., Rosado M., Dultzin-Hacyan D., Bernal A., Cruz-Gonzalez I., Amram P., Salo H., Laurikainen<br />

E. & Le Coarer E. "The Kinematics and Dynamics of the Isolated Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 5257/58 (Arp 240)" in<br />

Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies, January 1, 2001, ASP Conf. Ser. 230, p 465-466 (2001).<br />

[C-144] Henri G. "The launching of astrophysical jets" in SF2A-2001: Semaine <strong>de</strong> l'Astrophysique Francaise, May 1, 2001,<br />

(eds. D. Barret & F. Combes), p 73 (EDPS Conference Series, 2001).<br />

[C-145] Henri G., Pelletier G., Renaud N. & Saugé L. "A Time-Depen<strong>de</strong>nt Mo<strong>de</strong>l for High-Energy Emission of Blazars" in High<br />

Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, January 1, 2001, p 680 (2001).<br />

[C-146] Hough J. H., Bailey J. A., Chrysostomou A., Gledhill T. M., Lucas P. W., Tamura M., Clark S., Yates J. & Ménard<br />

F. "Circular polarisation in star-forming regions: possible implications for homochirality" in Advances in Space<br />

Research, January 1, 2001, 27, p 313-322 (2001).<br />

[C-147] Kern P., Ferrari M. & Lemonnier J.-P. "Micro-Optique pour l'astronomie" in Atelier <strong>de</strong> l'optique en astronomie,<br />

Grenoble, (eds. J.P. Lemonnier et al.), p 135 (Bastianelli-Clerc Grenoble, 2001).<br />

[C-148] Lachaume R., Malbet F. & Monin J.-L. "Constraining T Tauri disk mo<strong>de</strong>ls with interferometric measurements" in The<br />

Origins of Stars and Planets: the VLT View, Garching (Germany), in press, (eds. J. Alves & M. McCaughrean), ESO<br />

Workshop, (Springer-Verlag, 2001).<br />

[C-149] Le Coarer E. "3D spectroscopy with adaptive optic" in Galaxies: the Third Dimension, Organized by the Instituto <strong>de</strong><br />

Astronomia, UNAM, Cozumel, Mexico, 3-7 December 2001, (eds. Rosado M. et al.), p 13 (2001).<br />

[C-150] Lefloch B., Cernicharo J., Cesarsky D., Demyk K., Rodriguez L. F. & Miville-Deschênes M. A. "Warm Dust around<br />

Hot stars in the Trifid Nev-bula" in The promise of the HERSCHEL Space Observatory, ig433, ESA SP 460, (2001).<br />

[C-151] Lemonnier J., Ferrari M. & Kern P. in Atelier <strong>de</strong> l'optique en astronomie, Grenoble, p 143 (Bastianelli-Clerc Grenoble,<br />


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